Naked Snake

The DS2 DLC is awesome. Some of the best levels in the game.

I mean, is Ico good, in retrospect? I tried playing it and only got about 2 hours in before I quit in boredom. Immediately switched over to play Shadow of the Colossus another time through,

I, too, have plans to someday play Deus Ex: Human Revolution. What makes it more ridiculous is the fact that I already own in and the original Deus Ex is one of my favorite games of all time.

I agree that the dialogue undermines the tension established by the story and setting. From what I've read this was an intentional choice, but that doesn't mean it was the right one. I'm a bit of two minds about it. Overall, it's much closer to an effective Teen Dialogue game than it is to a horror game, so I guess

What platform are you playing RE: Code Veronica X on? I keep wanting to go back and play it because it's the only classic RE I haven't played, but I'm wondering whether I can put up with one more deep dive into the tank controls of yore. A lot would depend on the version I played, I think. I wish I could play it on

The game has a nice arc to it, too, where you feel less powerless and more formidable as you go along. I'd imagine it's ideally suited to this particular task.

So I’ll go ahead and admit that there’s still some part of me that’s afraid of the dark. Not like, terrified, but possessed of what one might call an irrational sense of caution. My fear is never vindicated, though, so it remains a low level thing. Present under certain circumstances, but not at a high enough level

Yea, I got mine a few months ago. I always wait for this point. The point at which the consoles have reached their basement, price wise, for at least another 2 years.

I'm comfortable with the meta aspect of playing in NG+ and knowing the whole truth. I mean, I have items and knowledge I couldn't have gotten otherwise right? But yea, EVEN with everything I know now, it doesn't make sense as a character choice to save Zoe. Ethan went to rescue his wife. You don't turn your back on

I think they just realized that by the end of the game, the player has built up a massive arsenal but the game has taught you, thus far, to be conservative with everything. It's so liberating to have the game finally tell you, effectively, "go ahead - have a little fun with the flamethrower."

There are a lot of different games influencing Resident Evil 7, but Resident Evil (especially the first one) is definitely one of them. I'm a longtime fan of the series, too, and I honestly feel like this might be the most faithful RE games since the playstation era. Remember all the subplots in RE2 that were about

Regarding the moral choice: I felt like that was a nod to people who planned on playing it twice. I loved how after you choose Mia, Ethan's like "who else was I going to choose?" But then as you play through the next sequence, you realize that Mia unleashed a force that totally destroyed Zoe's family. Given the choice

Yea, I got that they were try to expand things a bit with some guy, but it didn't really work for me. Even though the Licker-types were a completely different enemy to fight, gameplay wise, the fact that they looked so similar left me feeling unmoved. I wouldn't have thought that I cared so much about the visuals

It was pretty much The Mercenaries on the 3DS. I enjoyed it. It worked surprisingly well on the 3DS controls. But it wasn't all that different from other Mercenaries mini games. No, what I was thinking was just combining the Call of Duty gameplay experience (AI squads, set pieces, constant action) with Zombies,

The lack of variety on the Molded is truly the game's Achilles heel. I get that they wanted to build around a few core elements and not veer too far from that. But c'mon, they are the only type of enemy (with a little variety) over the course of the whole game. I really could have used something completely different

The tonal shifts in this game are really what makes it rise above its peers. I loved Alien: Isolation, but man, that game beat you over the head with its core experience to the extent that I was more likely to be bored than scared by the end of it. And that's a shame, because that core experience was excellent.

If you are asking whether I'd be up for a Resident Evil / Call of Duty mash-up game: yes, yes I would. That sounds awesome.


Can't speak for Bloodborne, since I've never played it, but if you find yourself stuck in Souls games, there's lots of ways to give yourself advantages. You can summon people to help. You can grind to level up. And if you're really having trouble you can watch youtube videos of how to run through areas without

Doooooo it!