
Here’s an idea then don’t use it if you don’t like the environment. This is why people like Apple. It’s because they can have some trust that the app won’t be malware or some other crappy app because Apple has strict standards. Hence why you can’t stream your games unlike Android. So if you don’t like it stick with

I’m sorry why are people bitching. Apple just wants you to also include the option to buy stuff through the App Store or their payment system if you also offer the stuff to buy through your website. So what is the big deal? Just email all your users that you’ll offer 30% off if they buy through the website instead of

Why are you angry at lyft and Uber. They are a company that helps drivers and riders connect. That’s it. They aren’t yellow cab or anything else. Any state that tries to reclassify that deserves to lose that service. So it was dumb for California to try and do this. California is screwing those drivers that need that

I’m restarting my A list today so I can help make sure AMC survives. Also as long as I wear my mask I should be fine. So I think people need to calm the hell down. Need to start living again safely. This living only in our homes is messed up. Now we all have our masks and we should be fine. 

It’s because it is retail. Lol. Do you think Walmart makes that stuff they sell?  No. The people who make the crap for Walmart give a certain percentage to Walmart for allowing them to sell their goods in a Super Walmart. This idea that this isn’t retail is mind boggling to me. Maybe you don’t know much about business

Did you ask how long it’s supposed to provide immunity? That’s what I’m interested in right now. 

Why didn’t you talk about the possibility that the vaccine may not cover us for over a year and may be way way less like 3 months of cover. That’s crazy to think. Isn’t anyone worried that this thing will only give us 3 months of immunity?

This is funny. I remember when I was a kid Gizmodo used to be tech savvy and ran the story how the floppy disc was the actual reason why our nuclear silo missile system wasn’t ever hacked. Hate to be the old man who walked a million miles to school barefoot but just because Boeing’s actual safer planes use floppy

I wish people would realize that this is 30 plus 7 bucks. So if you realize AMC A list is 20 a month for 12 movies a month or 3 a week how come people are willing to pay almost 40 for ONE film. So basically you’re paying for 24 movies and only getting ONE for the money you are spending. And no this is not cheaper than

Just like I know Jeffery Epstein didn’t kill himself, I know Carol had something to do with her former husbands disappearance and probably murder. Second her admitting that her former husband was mentally flawed and then producing a new will should have made the new will invalid due to mental decline and no

Anyone else wondering if Angela, Sister Night, is also the daughter of The Comedian which makes Laurie and Angela sisters?  Anyone catch at the beginning how she was born in Saigon?  Rewatching the Watchmen I wondered what if her mother is the one who has a bottle and slashes the comedian in the face and he kills her

I’m thinking they are on the verge of creating the Timefleet and will fix whatever happened to the future. See remember there’s a temporal Cold War on going and they just jumped past the groups that were manipulating the timeline during Archers time as Captain. My theory is Discovery is the first of many ships that


You people and saying New England will get him. Screw that he’s gonna be a Dallas Cowboy and win a Super Bowl with Dallas AND be the Super Bowl MVP. 

Actually did anyone notice that Sarge says he’s the reason a certain planet was stopped. They were talking about the automatons planet. I have a sneaky feeling they aren’t from an alternate reality but from other planets in the universe and they just jumped to earth because that was the next planet she chose to look

You guys haven’t figured it out. They were successful in stoping skynet and rebooting the world. Here’s the problem John was never created since his buddy never went back and skynet was never created. But then humans did something stupid and kept inventing. So the Dark Fate is humans will always be the cause of our

Anyone else realizing Marvel just created Crisis with all the paradoxes Tony and Cap created on their own. Killing 2014 Thanos out of order disrupts things. Like is Vision back and is another gamora Alive and why even take the soul stone back because what’s the point no one will be coming to get it. So I guess a

I’m truly hoping you’ll start liking the series as it’s not hamstrung by canon. But I still believe the ultimate goal of this show was to be the beginnings of the time fleet that we saw in Voyager all the way to Enterprise. That the stuff figured out by Discovery is what gives the time fleet its tech. That when they

I have this theory Discovery is the beginning of the Time Fleet and notice Pikes motion when he’s about to get blown up. I bet what they eventually will do is take him from that point have him be captain for a while and then insert him back in his original timeline to finish his days out. Still the temporal Cold War

I don’t get the hate for this show. What this episode does is enhance the season 1 finale of TOS. REMEMBER Pike is adamant to Spock to not try and get him to that planet. He’s seen his future so he knows he won’t end up in a happy place. That accident on the training vessel will always happen and still he tries to