
It’s actually been an issue since pre-Netflix days, but mostly outside of a US context - in other countries, “TV movies” often are cinematic in the ways you describe because (at least in Europe) there are funding bodies for films made for TV, and commercial breaks (and other factors more TV-related in the US) are less

Let’s be honest the hype for this film was kind of effy at best. I’m the biggest homer on this site when it comes to DC. I’ve gotten into hours of arguments when it came to Man of Steel and Batman v Superman but even I was eh on Aquaman UNTIL I saw what they were putting together in this film via this trailer. We saw

Actually, I don’t think it was a mistake. The Franklin appeared on screen to be a smaller ship than the NX-01, so it would make sense it was a warp 4 ship instead of warp 5. It also allowed the filmmakers a chance to use a different model of ship other than the NX-class (which was seen on screen as a desk model in

Ken doll? Ken is a bit more chiseled and firm. Rubio is more muppet.

I know. I’m so friggin’ depressed that we have to wait so long for season 3.

I’m gonna be honest Killjoys FUCKING ROCKS. It’s like an adult version of Warehouse 13 lol. I’m really getting into the whole Level 6 mythology and what is Red-17 and all that. Plus the music kicks ass. It’s like they took a page from Continuum. Noticing cooler music in scifi shows now. Anyway, gonna have to watch

Is this a joke? There’s no way an apple product could have such a flaw.

OK that's fair. They don't have to be averaged together.

that's what I've been saying, I could care less wether it's all female or all male, the fact it won't have any connection whatsoever to the previous movies is what is pissing me off.

You mean when the machine went searching to see if that guy was the real killer or not?

Did you see in the end that the machine was working?

I hope so.

yeah this movie could make a cool series but I think they basically killed it by changing the name unnecessarily too many time.

you could be right. they did kind of hint at that in the movie, that there were way more mimics out there.

they reset at the end because the Alpha died triggering the Omega to go back in time and when it went back in time it died for real.

Dude. This is Joseph Kahn. He doesn't need to make audition pieces to get gigs in Hollywood.

There's nothing wrong with promoting yourself like this, it just goes to show that you're capable of setting yourself apart from the rest. I'd guess that he and his friends got together to put this thing together, he likely had to pay some expenses, but that doesn't mean he made any money on it.

Think about what you wrote. FOX, a decent network giving a show a chance.

The lesson that I picked up from reading this conversation:

Well let's hope we don't try sending our copies up to space cause we might Prestige ourselves a problem get it. So if we start building crap in space why not build a space elevator? You can still do cargo runs with canons or rail guns but people send them up in elevators and stuff. We'd need a permanent Station