
I’m guessing none of you rewatched Captain Marvel after episode 1. It makes the film way better. Hint hint Carol went to destroy the great intelligence AI that runs the Kree Empire. So that’s what she was doing during that time. So yes when Ronin says we will be back for the weapon and he says no the girl that means

Yea I don’t trust humans who push their crap. TikTok doesn’t use algos to push content to users. So if you care about influencers on TikTok they are only big cause admin folks at tiktok are pushing people. They aren’t algo pushed like on YouTube or other apps. So I don’t trust TikTok and neither should you. Sucks

I don’t know why it’s taking Republicans to get this kicked off. I’m a progressive and democrat and know this app is SUPER dangerous. I’m a tech nerd. Seeing how China uses it and limits its population we all need to ask why don’t they do that for Americans and the rest of the world? It’s because they want to destroy

Just FYI this was known 2 months ago. If you don’t know who Mikey Sutton is or Syl Abdul LEARN IT. They have been breaking everything from Superman coming back, to Flash being changed and the dog shyt storyline Hamada wanted thrashed and Affleck put back in as the OG Batman at the end, to MoS2 happening and of course

I think you’re almost right. These guys are lonely and when they try dating apps the algorithms only send them people that aren’t real and only looking to scam them or women they aren’t interested in. I’m sure most nowadays have a lot of luck finding someone through dating apps but most folks like me have no such luck

I’ve been on Hulu since it was in Beta in 2007. Many didn’t know it launched the same time as Netflix streaming. Netflix only had movies whereas Hulu had tv shows. So for constant viewing Hulu won out. Anyway this will really suck it Disney kills Hulu. Hulu is better than Disney+ anyway. If anything make Hulu a global

I suspect it will be walled with solar panels so that might dampen the reflective part. But my question what about people like me who are disabled and shave issues walking. Will we get a scooter to use to get to places. I’m also noticing how this girl was allowed to show her face and hair. Is this going to be a non

Nope. Nobody believes her. The audio recordings and other stuff besides his words damn her. And this is what abusers do. They lie better than anyone. Where’s her audio recordings. I don’t trust anything she does cause she’s a manipulative person. I’m sure the relationship was toxic but she physically abused and

Why do you all think she hates that trans women are called women?  She doesn’t. She hates that trans women are pushing females out of sports or beating them. It’s the South Park bit all over again. Why do trans women need to compete with cis women? Why not compete with cis men? And trans men compete with cis women.

First off JK Rowling has no issue with trans women nor does she care if they are called women. But what upsets her and other females or cis women is the blurring of trans women pushing in to female sports and other female records. Having trans women push in and replace cis women means what is the purpose of having

Just curious when will this stop being a grift to all of you? You guys don’t realize it’s global currency. I’m assuming most who see this as a grift don’t have family abroad or ever had to deal with international money transfers and the cost of doing that. Or worse having US Dollars but the place your in only

How about Uber drivers using someone else’s VIN or vehicle description and then when you order their vehicle it’s a POS car that’s super disgusting and they claim the other “nice” car is in the shop but you picked that car because it’s nice and you paid more and in reality you got a POS vehicle and still overpaid.

So a black family will just have to suck it up when that KKK group or alt right group rents their home so they can do some stuff in their yard and target that neighborhood. This cuts both ways and Airbnb is meant to connect people who wish to rent their homes out to people willing to rent a home. Before this it was

Remember that when neo Nazis want to rent your home or hell actual satanists and not the ones who don’t really believe I mean the ones who do and sacrifice live animals lol. I love when too far left folks NEVER think about the other side of this coin. You all think discrimination only works one way. It doesn’t. Also

Or as I just said what if a KKK group loved the property and rented for the summer and burned crosses in your back yard and held rallies for their group for the summer. I’d rather not have that kind of folks in my home but because of this law if I deny them the rental I’m discriminating against them based on their

So an Airbnb isn’t like a Hilton hotel. It’s a persons home that for some reason they aren’t using for that time the person is renting. I wouldn’t be shocked if there is eventually a lawsuit asserting that because they are not a company that they could be considered a private club and just because they are

I find it funny you think only trumpers agree with Chappelle. There’s people in the trans community who agree with Dave let alone most of the left. You guys are not realizing how sexist you’re being yet and when you do it’s gonna be comical and sad at the same time because people have been bullied to death because of

I guess you don’t realize that most the world likes the jokes you folks are the ones who are out of touch. IT IS OKAY you don’t realize it yet that you’re actually out of step and thinking incorrectly. You folks are being very sexist in your thinking but haven’t realized it yet. When you do you’ll go damn I was such

You ever watch motivational speakers or preachers. They do what Gatsby does. She’s not revolutionary. She’s just not a comedian anymore. She’s a motivational speaker and that’s fine. And she makes some funny jokes here and there. I love how she takes cracks at Seinfeld and his observational humor and basically makes

She’s a great motivational speaker but her special that she got popular on was more motivating than comedy. She has some moments but I watched the entire special. She’s okay. Gets a bit preachy though. Like there are people called trend setters. That’s what people born before their time are. And she wanted to act like