
Reading the comments here and on Facebook it’s clear Snyder is right. He fanboys who can’t grasp reality need to unclinch and let go. Because of these losers the DCEU failed because they kept bitching and not supporting the film but kept thinking how Marvel is so much better some how. The DC films when compared to

Someone is claiming Snyder told him at this convention that the Snyder cut does exist but it’s up to Warner Brothers. I keep thinking since the head of Warner’s is finally gone maybe they will re-release the film and go back and let Snyder finish his version of films. Things were getting good until the Fake JL film. I

They did the smallest effort. Compare what Netflix did to what amazon does. Cafe Society and Man from manchester both were Oscar contenders and after their theater run dropped to online prime viewing. Why can’t netflix do that?  Why have the film showing in the theater for the littlest required time and then drop it

Brilliant post. Hear hear. This isn’t young vs old. This about the life of the theaters and Spielberg sees where the Netflix model leads. To the death of the movie theater itself. It’s already hurting. AMC isn’t kicking ass financially. Look what happened to MoviePass. I haven’t seen the numbers but I think movie

You do realize that would kill the theater system right?  Also AMC has to show Roma leading up to the Oscars cause they have events with Oscars and Roma was nominated. So AMC asked to show it and Netflix declined. So Roma wasn’t part of the AMC celebration for the best picture nominated films. THATS BULL SHIT and it

Any movie that only appears VOD or through steaming is a TV movie. If the film has distribution in the theaters then congrats you’re a full blown film and you qualify for Academy awards instead of the Emmys. Plain and simple. Amazon has been doing it for years. Netflix cheated. Plain and simple. 

If you notice Spielberg wasn’t this angry for years while Amazon was putting out Oscar contenders year after year. Amazon distributes their films nationwide. Netflix cheated and used the loophole. His big argument which I wholeheartedly agree with is that the theater network is decaying. Even Big companies like AMC

I used to listen to Art Bell all the time. The shitty thing is other assholes saw people buying this shit and then they used it to exploit others and make money off of people. Oh I have a company that has built a time travel device invest in my “company”. It’s fun if it’s an online game but when you start doing radio

Yea I have a very bad back and tying shoes actually leads to me having to lay down after I tie my shoe because my back is killing me as are my legs and such. So knowing you know how to tie your shoe doesn’t mean people like me and kids everywhere, like most NBA players, will love not having to tie their shoe and just

I’m not a big anime fan so I have no idea who this douche is. Anyway went to wiki to read up on him and now I see why he’s so religious. This douche bag graduated from jerry Falwells university. Liberty University. He’s basically using voice acting to fucking preach and try and convert all these nerd people. He’s

So they did the transplants and there’s actual data on the transplants but because they forcibly took the organs the data is unusable? WHY?!!  I don’t get it. Organs are organs. Why throw the data out because it doesn’t follow standards other countries follow. We need to stop acting like everyone should act like us

The fact no one is realizing Lorca was a known plant by Section 31 makes me laugh. Why else do you think he allowed Section 31 all over the ship. Also the spore drive will still work. It was made sick by the mirror version ship using it as a way to power their shields and engine. So I bet the drive is still workable

You guys are silly and asking all the wrong questions. Don’t you all realize if Section 31 was on Discovery out in the open don’t you realize Lorca was probably known to be a mirror version and Section 31 knew it and brought him into the fold. Jesus I just finally started watching the side stuff to get read for

God bless you man. Oh my god. I truly feel for you. Much love from me fellow disabled person. God be with you and I’m so sorry the pain you’re going through or went through. 

Oh I had that when I was 17. Everyone kept telling me it was a pinched nerve in my Sciatica. This is why I never see Chiropractors. Anyway had another issue two years after that. Then 2 years after that had an issue where my left leg or knee went numb. I was told surgery wouldn’t help. This was back in 2003. Some were

Look I know pain. I’m disabled due to my spine. I worked and worked until my spine couldn’t handle it anymore. Lots of nerve and back Pain which I live in now on a constant basis BUT the worse pain isn’t this I’ve found. It’s a god damn abscess tooth which I’m living with right now. I’ve had a few of these and I try

Look it’s hard for me to trust your guys reviews. You guys slam films all the time. Split you gave a cool reveal but most the review was like the film was okay it wasn’t great. So I’m reading this review and you’re positive about everything except when things naturally get slow because this isn’t a comic book film and

Let’s be honest the hype for this film was kind of effy at best. I’m the biggest homer on this site when it comes to DC. I’ve gotten into hours of arguments when it came to Man of Steel and Batman v Superman but even I was eh on Aquaman UNTIL I saw what they were putting together in this film via this trailer. We saw

Well to give this guy some credit he didn’t do word for word plagerizing. The dude basically read the reviews and then added his flavor and changed their words. It’s like how Samsung has their own flavor of Android OS. So I guess this guy is adding his own flavor to all those other reviews lol. That’s literally the

Infinity War was one of the worst films Marvel has done. Looking at Infinity War as a stand-alone film it blew chunks. It was better then Ultron but not better then the first one. Hell AntMan 2 is better then Infinity War. Anyway I would say Marvel is 3 for 4. Infinity War was a big let down. Also if they do what I