
Then you sir are an idiot and don’t need to be out in public. I’m a bouncer right now, actively, every weekend and this is not good advice. It takes a real man to WALK AWAY from a fight, swallow your ego and walk away. It does not matter what drunk guy number 3 says about you or your partner... walk away. Better yet,

Good advice save for one major, major problem.

From my understanding no; you’d be justified in using deadly (gun) force in that situation.

Media guy asks question. Player responds directly to question. Other media guy sensationalizes headline to make it appear player randomly started a fight. Profit?

He looks like the Goblin King from the hobbit movies.

I can’t believe this is the shit we argue about in 2016 and that Donald Trump could be our president next week. What the hell happened?

I don’t know man - you’re not wrong, but I lived in Houston and I’ve seen plenty of hotties for every “plumper” you mention.

“We have to get to the pawn shop before it closes”—Also from Raiders fans.

I once blew ass at a dance club (ate fried Braunschweiger and onion sandwiches for lunch. I love that cheap shit) and some poor girl walks right into it and throws up immediately. I felt so proud of myself to vomit another person.

That’s an excellent strategy... if you already have the girlfriend.

I’m retroactively upset that Drew ranked Country LAST, behind Gospel? Showtunes? Ever listen to, I don’t know, any one of the Highwaymen, for starters? THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.

After outcry over her being a woman :Austin Cox that’s true but this lady was the cause of the whole thing. She was walking around punching people for no reason, male and female. It had to have happened at least 4 or 5 times and each time he was breaking it up until she hit him and her friend hit him. I think any

This is not what happened. I was there and saw the entire thing unfold. The woman in the Sean Taylor jersey was the antagonist. She was intoxicated to the point of belligerence and had picked smaller fights with several people before the recording began. These altercations were contained before one man in this woman’s

While everyone is entitled to their own opion i was there and its not what it seems. That woman was the aggressor. She had gotten into several fights and what the camera doesnt show is prior to that she was throwin punches at him and several other people. What the camera doesnt show is how minutes before that she fell

(Last time a Cardinal beat down on the Orangemen this hard, the Troubles restarted)

A cool festival is being live streamed tonight. A lot of cool bands are at the LOCKN’ Festival, including The Tedeschi Trucks Band, who are scheduled to play at 8:30. I'll be checking it out for sure!…

Would also recommend America’s Favorite Pastime by Todd Snider, a wonderful song about athletic accomplishment and psychedelic drugs. Which is not represented in folk music often enough.

I wouldn’t say they are football illiterate. They’ve learned a lot in the three years they have rooted for the Seahawks.

Could not agree more on your last statement. This event had everything...gamesmanship, cockiness, PRs, a new OR, and just absolute freakish athletes.