

The photos of the bloodbath are beginning to now surface:

DENMAKR is a dating app that describes itself as being “for Bob Villa types.”

“More freedoms and rights for others does not mean less freedoms and rights for you. It’s not a pizza.”

That’s the narrative though. That the elevation of (insert minority group here _______) necessarily means taking something away from the white man. The notion of a rising tide lifting all boats is just elitist livrul special snowflake Obummer PC bullshit. And it makes me livid. 10 times out of ten, these fecking

To me, the most troubling thing as a black person is that many people believe that equality means pulling blacks up (and other minorities) and dragging whites down. Until we can convince more folks that equality actually means equal, we’ll still be stuck in the same shit we’re in today.

A step in the right direction? He didn’t want to get invited to the mayors house...he wanted to not be harassed by police for walking outside.

I share your cynicism, but if he’s going to take a step in the right direction once it might be good to encourage him to do it again.

He also invited Williams to stay at his house

Tim Howard is also a captain, well respected, and likely the best USA goalie ever.

Yes, obsolete jobs that are lost here and gained overseas so companies can pay people 10 cents on the dollar in wretched working conditions, then sell the products back to the people who just got canned.

Make Fake News Great Again!

Pizzagate isn’t a fair comparison. The sources for that story were proven authentic emails from Wikileaks that you could read yourself and an FBI notice about the use of code words pizza/pasta/sauce/hotdog/cheese by pedophiles.

Personally I don’t give a shit if he showers in the piss of his children daily. It’s all the other shit he says and does that can actually impact my life that I care about and the media is now ignoring for this stupid story.

But the WikiLeaks dumps weren’t bullshit. Would you prefer the news to be things that are bullshit to things that are not?

Except the validity of those emails was never questioned.

Windhorst’s slavish LeBron-jocking makes even Ahmad Rashad uncomfortable.

This would be like the Sacramento Rivercats playing well enough to switch places with the Marlins, and then making the playoffs in the following year, and then having their plane go down as they flew to the NLCS. Roughly.

Delete your Kinja.

Eat a bag of dicks.