Good deadspin is pathetic. Instead of admitting you were wrong, just go with “show what you want it to show”. Lol smh
Good deadspin is pathetic. Instead of admitting you were wrong, just go with “show what you want it to show”. Lol smh
Lmao, talk about the joke going way over your head.
So I guess Linda Cohn is wrong.
Don’t get mad because Tucker makes people look stupid with their illogical arguments.
The SJW White guilt circle jerk on New Gawker is simply amazing.
It’s now being discussed. Trump is playing the media like a saxophone right now lol
Haha of course deadspin falls for the bait set by the Trump Administration.
Why we suck is because people have a problem with our best player calling out people who aren’t really american. This is something that every great national team in the world values is the players who have the national pride, which comes from being fully from the country they’re playing for.
Well said. I really believe this is the case.
Because this is America now. Read the comments, and you’ll see why Trump won. This liberal guilt thing going on is becoming too much. While this woman is clearly is in the wrong, there’s people getting fired for much less.
Thanks man, that’s a great analogy.
LOL it’s a circle jerk of bs journalist saying “gotcha” when nobody clearly did, even this article. This one is the worse attempt.
Good point.
I don’t think that’s what he’s saying. He’s is talking about the consequences, and how people are being somewhat unfairly criticized when they’re just trying to be honest and have a conversation. When you can’t have a conversation, the dialog we all want to have can’t happen. We can’t move forward, so people…
I agree with you, true bigotry should be hidden to wither and die. The problem is that legit questions about non-white people are being grouped in the same conversation as real bigotry. Also, when everything is labeled racist, then it dilutes when real situations happen.
LOL. Yes, you’re right. Nazi in the White House. WOW
Maybe you should run the DNC man. Because people that can’t understand this concept is refusing to look inside themselves. They’ve been conditioned to take everything that has a tinge of racial components as racist, and people are hating this. There are millions of people who don’t fit into the “white nationalist”…
Exactly. You definitely get it. If the media would understand this, we would be a better society. But because of this, we created this division because now the tables have flipped, and the liberal media is acting like the conservative media did 10+ years ago.
Yep. Still don’t get it lol