
It seems to me as though Burneko (and Deadspin generally) is taking an “anything goes” libertarian free-market approach to PEDs. They should be legal and everyone should take them (or, a person would be a fool not to take them) because they work, they improve a person’s performance. Yes, I know Barry Bonds was good at

Someone fuckin hates this guy

if you don’t like reading differing opinions on a show you like

This is dumb.

GoT had no more “boobs and blood” than a lot of premium HBO TV, from Deadwood to Rome.

GOT has always got by on the stellar acting from its core cast and a story that keeps people tuning in next week to see what happens to people they’re invested in.

The only people who care about the boobs are

To be fair, yeah - just the thought of that alone gives me chills.

He is definitely the side piece.

You’ll CR-Z nothing.

Lewis Black really needs to hire his own driver.

That's what he was thinking "my cars drowning and you want me to leave ccar? But car will drown. How save car?"

Nah, fuck that. I’m judging away and completely and rightfully so. This idiot drove up to a completely flooded underpass where there were A. NO OTHER CARS, B. CLEARLY WARNING SIGNS/ROADBLOCKS AND C. A GODDAMNED TELEVISION NEWS CREW FILMING THE FLOOD and he thought “Eh, fuck it, I’m just gonna keep going.” He deserved

Except, “pulling back on the stick”, won’t get you out of a stall.

That’s a good point.

Harris County Emergency Management: DO NOT DRIVE IN THIS WEATHER, STAY HOME.

Do not judge. People panic easily and act irrationally in situations like this. As someone who did rescue work during (really serious) floods, I know. I remember elderly lady (ignored evacuation earlier) who rescued with her dog from her totally flooded house, got panic attack about forgotten keys because she did not

It’s really interesting seeing people in situations like this (when they are OK, of course). I’ve been reading about the Air France Flight 447, where the pilots got so confused, they crashed by stalling the airplane (a very simple problem, akin to driving into a lake for a professional pilot). I think this guy

Hybrid car; Inability to think critically on own; Relies on others to save him from his own stupid decision(s).

I can’t be the only who laughed my ass off when he put the car in reverse thinking he could just back up like nothing ever happened. Hilarious.

I need some Insight into the driver’s mind.

“My car can’t swim, I gotta save my car” :facepalm: