Should I be offended by white face..... ? Nah that’s just silly!
Should I be offended by white face..... ? Nah that’s just silly!
The Wisconsin version is just a bunch of white guys doing the Carlton.
wow. Over a fender bender. Guns make all situations more dangerous. Sad.
This is really messed up. I'm on the corner where it happened. People are saying it was a fender bender that got heated. I was here when they took his wife away on a stretcher. She was yelling for Will. Really tragic.
That’s a bit premature.
Not disagreeing, but I really liked his take on Watchmen.
He took the comic, as it was, and put it on a cinema screen - although I know I’m maybe in the minority in holding this viewpoint
The pacing was spot on, a byproduct of its length. And the motivations couldn’t have been explained any better without being spoon fed. I don’t understand these arguments against the movie, everything was flat out telegraphed.
And sometimes the internet mob collectively decides to hate on a film before its even out :) This is one case, Ghostbusters is going to be another. Doesn’t matter how good it ends up being. The internet mole-men have decided.
Don’t blame the movie because you couldn’t understand it.
I mean, so they definitely had sex right?
Sick burn, dude. That guy is totally a closet homo and should feel shame about that because reasons*
+ 14 7-9 seasons
*Edit* Batman & Robin sucked, nothing could save that soggy shit sandwich.
I never got that mentality... if you’re only interested in the exciting visuals, why see a movie at all? You could just wait until someone uploads all the fight scenes and watch them on Youtube. If I’m actually going to go watch a film I’d like for the story to at least not be so bad that it distracts me from enjoying…
I feel like people are watching these movies for all the wrong reasons. Like, turn off your fucking brain and enjoy the superhuman slugfest for what it is, and then turn your brain back on afterwards.
There’s nothing to gain by being outed as the “bad guy” who doesn’t want his workplace to be daycare. Especially when it’s pretty likely that LaRoche is the kind of bible thumper who would take to Twitter and say things like you’re anti-family and hate Jesus.
I was thinking about it earlier today. I’m sure the fact that LaRoche is really, really religious probably affected how teammates felt they could act in the clubhouse with his son around. I’m sure a lot of them felt censored much of the time, which can’t be the best environment to want to be in.
who hurt you?
“The NFL has all these colored folks spiking the football and whatnot. That’s not happening in OUR sport, by god!”