
Russell Wilson and Kaepernick aren’t even close to being the same. Wilson could work in any system. He’s a cerebral quarterback than can play, processes information, make decisions that won’t hurt his team, and doesn’t rely solely on his athleticism. He left college as the most efficient quarterback in history and

This shows how the NFL is increasingly betting more of the team’s success on the QB, and that if you can find someone who could be a franchise QB, you try to keep him and mold him further, even if he’s molded out or Robert Griffin..

All opinions on Kaepernick should first be funneled through Ron Jaworski and Trent Dilfer.

Dear in the fucking headlights.

plu7 one

As I understand it, they structured his deal in a way that they can get out of it every year of the deal and not be hurt too badly. They haven’t trusted him for a long time.

The Niners have always masked Kaepernick’s deficiencies well because prior to this season, they had an offensive line that couldn’t better be replaced by a sheet of glass that you always see two guys conveniently carrying on the sidewalk in a car chase scene of a shitty movie. That’s not an apology for his play so

They really need to mix up the play colin.

I made some edits for you, Barry:

Jackson and Lynch were racing down a straight public road when the accident happened

Texas needed this win. Happy for Charlie Strong, he’s a good dude. Hopefully they can sustain some momentum

Well, I guess a stripper-heavy video is better than a heavy stripper video? #positives

The one game wild card is perfect for a team like the Cubs when you have Arrieta. It worked out perfect for us. But still... How could you not be against this playoff system? 2 of the best 3 teams in baseball had to have a 1 game playoff to see who “earns” a right to play in a playoff series? The Pirates might be the

It either seems like Manziel is a detestable fucking prick or the Browns are bumbling fucks.

The Raiders have always been more comfortable with white lines.

They should paint the 50 black.

Raiders Give Middle Finger To The NFL

Fuck yeah Raiders.

It’s like the cameraman had no fear at all. Or maybe no brains at all.

Had I been taking those videos, I would probably have pooed myself. I jumped a foot everytime that bear lunged.