
Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

Shady dealings in the boxing industry?! I’m shocked, SHOCKED I tell you!

Dude will make $200M for this fight on top of the $100M he made last year, etc. If you are waiting for him to become destitute as some form of justice, I’m afraid you are likely to be disappointed, at least for the next 10-20 years.

It’s really hard to read this especially having seen almost this exact thing in my younger years. The only bit of solace that I have is that when Floyd has nothing. Destitute and having out at fights signing gloves for rent money is that he will approach his son and ask for forgiveness, and that he found god or

Motherfucking internet lawyer.

Yeah, that part got to me just as much as seeing his hand written notes. And the worst part is that, despite the fact that he clearly has no respect for his dad, he still has to spend time with him. Imagine seeing your father do that to your mom, and still having to at least semi-regularly spend time with him because

Sooo, you don’t understand hearsay do you? He witnessed these things. That makes him a witness.

Glad to see his son choosing not to follow in his father’s footsteps by learning how to read and write.

One can argue, which I do as a MoS fan, that the superman in that movie isn't the hero is in the comics yet. The movie had it shitty parts and flaws, but this isn't superman yet, per the title. It's a man with incredible power he doesn't know what to do with yet. He saves the one guy he could see, but when zod shows

I still like Jason Whitlock, and I also think black people should respect themselves and stop using “nigga”.

I interviewed Greg not long ago for a story about Whitlock, and let me just say his feelings about the The Undefeated’s prospects then (a couple of months ago) do not align with what he’s written here. Sure, opinions change when new information comes to light (and this is a lot of new information), but this almost

Jason really really really did not think the interview with Greg went well and now we are all saddled with this shit.

Jesus Greg, we get it, you don’t like Whitlock.

Nobody loathes black men more than another black man. Sad truth.

So I'm confused Greg, do you like Whitlock or not? It's hard to tell.

I didn’t even have to scroll to look to see who wrote it. This whole Greg Howard v. Jason Whitlock thing is exhausting. I mean, I get it. It’s just beyond at this point. No one cares. I like the new name of Whitlock’s venture and I suspect it’ll be a lot like what’s gone on at Grantland where Simmons is frustrating

Amazingly, all this does is make me feel sorry for Whitlock. Why in the world would you put so much effort into attacking a site that hasn't even gone live?

Yes, he dominated the entire fight from start to finish, like every other fight he is in it seems like.

Good stuff, Tom. Agree that this shows the real magnitude of Curry’s status as not just a clutch superstar, but the quality that only the Great Greats have, that being the rare ability to consistently be an absolute killer on the road in high-pressure situations (Jordan last-second jumper in the lane in Utah, etc.).

Stephen A interviewing Floyd Mayweather? What's next, a hard hitting Sean Salisbury profile of Brett Favre??