There was a reason to lie about the free stuff at the time. If he accepted free food, then the NCAA could have fucked up his season. And it’s not a stretch that the grocery store employees would lie to keep him playing football each Saturday.
There was a reason to lie about the free stuff at the time. If he accepted free food, then the NCAA could have fucked up his season. And it’s not a stretch that the grocery store employees would lie to keep him playing football each Saturday.
One time in LA, I watched a dude order a double meat Seafood Sensation / Cheesesteak hybrid. He sheepishly looked at me and said “Surf and Turf”. Haven’t had Subway since.
Besides that, it’s owned and operated by Doctor’s Associates, Inc.
Baseball doesn’t have a black problem, it has a boring-as-shit problem. The average melanin ratio of its players isn’t going to change that.
Would you equate a white American with a white Hispanic? The equivalency extends only to skin color, from there you have everything from language, culture, history, and social experience to differentiate the two. People saying black Hispanics are the same as black Americans, are like someone saying Koreans are the…
I was thinking this as well. My local single A squad (Boston Redsox farm team) is pretty much all African Caribbean guys. I’m confused on his argument a little, if a black guy speaks Spanish he isn’t black?
Is this like when people define “black” only in socioeconoical or cultural terms, thus dismissing a lot of African-American people as “not black” because they don’t fit their preconceived prejudices which help perpetuate negative stereotypes?
Because I’m a fucking idiot.
I’m a black man in my thirties and my favorite sport is baseball, and that can be an incredibly lonely experience. Like Rock, I’m also a Mets fan, and I became a National League fan in part for the same reason he did (his father, like mine, hated the AL because it somehow managed to be even more racist than the NL).
It’s a cultural argument about the game resonating for blacks in the states, who do not connect with the Afro-Caribbean players (and vice-versa)
Yeah, it seems like he is defining black in a way that only suits his argument.
There are lots of black baseball players. They are just African Caribbean instead of African American.
“Chris Rock is a baseball fan.”
They were planning to sign Tebow today, but were unable to get in touch with him.
[picks up phone; cancels all Monday guests]—
Let's all talk about this! We all watched it, there's no reason to pretend we didn't. (Sansa's storyline is butt.)
I hate that I read this, and I hate that I watched these already, but after I saw a comment elsewhere about where Sansa's storyline was going I was so furious about being spoiled that I decided better to spoil myself and have done with it than risk being spoiled by other people.
You can take the thug out of Bristol...
In retrospect, football was sort of a thing he fell ass-backwards into for a while despite being an irredeemable turd. The most interesting aspect of this case isn’t that a football player was just convicted of murder, but that a murderer actually managed to have a short pro football career.
Meh, I don’t really even have a witty comment to make. Probably the only thing that comes to mind is good riddance, and what an absolute moron. He threw away his entire life for nothing. All of the money he stood to make from football is gone. All of the potential on-field success and accolades are no more. Most…