
It's so awesome that tuition will go down accordingly!

Specifics please.

Yeah, but all of that stuff is the same stuff that our politicians do here. Mayweather has still done the most egregious thing of all.; partnered with Bieber.

Holy Fuck you're right. Maybe he was running towards a loaded cannon. Better put 8 rounds in him just be sure.

What the fuck?

180 seconds of my life I will never, ever get back.

And here, folks, is why soccer in the United States will never hold a candle to soccer in Europe or South America.

She should have used Mayo instead. That would have really been the worst.

As a Browns fan I offer you zero sympathy and hope your team burns in the most fiery way possible.

Umm, the second season of the Walking Dead is the best season that show has had. If saying that season is "fine", then I'd assume the rest are "bad", and I'd have to agree.

I just explained why I think it's an issue. You may not agree, but that's how I sincerely feel. To me the word represents centuries of evil perpetrated against African Americans. I hate hearing it from anyone. Like I said, I totally appreciate and even applaud that blacks co-opted the word and turned it on it's head

Just my 2 cents here, as a white guy, but I don't think the continued liberal use of the n-word in the black community is helpful in our constant struggle for racial harmony in this country.

fuck you for the tone of this article greg howard. who the fuck are you? you blog for fuckin gawker.

If its ok for black people to say "cracker" or whatever then "nigger" should be equally acceptable.

Well, whatever is going on, good job getting me to click the link.

Like this

Man, seriously? You can act stupidly tolerant as much as you like, but did you seriously don't get what magatsu tried to say?

Countercountercounterpoint: you know no black people.

No big deal! But I do see that you've changed the file from "Greg Anthony" to "March Madness" and in the interest of transparency, there should at least be comment about that.

Do you think that is Greg Anthony? Because it's Kenny Smith.