
Glad I saw your reply here before commenting. I got hit with a switch a few times when I was a kid and my grandmother used to threaten me with a fly swatter all the time (never used it). There were never any open wounds and they certainly didn't last for a week. I had the same initial reaction you did, but the

You see the pics of the 4 year old, supposedly taken a week later? That's not punishment, that's abuse.

This whole thing is really a reflection on Roger Goodell's moral compass. Out of all the players he's suspended, the only one he sympathized with enough to "take it easy" on him was a guy who punched his girlfriend unconscious. I really thin he felt sorry for Ray Rice. Felt like Ray made a mistake that any guy could

this is giving me some weird mix of pride, awe, sadness, and rage. amazing stuff.

GOODELL: Hey, how bout that Redskins name controversy, I'd love to talk about that now. I say, let's change it! Who's with me??

Good try, but you're completely wrong. The guy wants to get more white people to come to the games. How is becoming MORE inclusive and more diverse a racist thing?

List Of Happy Things To Post About Tomorrow:

This cannot be the first time that NFL players have realized that filthy rich white guys get treated differently/more leniently than the rest of us.

He has to watch the game from his yacht instead of the luxury owner's box in the stadium.

How is an owner suspended anyway? Does he have any less ownership during the suspension? Does he have to give up 6 weeks worth of revenue? Does he have to stop being filthy fucking rich for 6 weeks?

Gawker Media: Where We Excoriate White People For Trying to Rap but Encourage Them to Write Overwrought Musings on Hip Hop

I love me some Tim Kawakami sass.

Oh, fuck off.
He did not make himself a distraction. The fact that it's 2014 and people/institutions are still so homophobic in the USA that no other player has felt capable of coming out is what made him a distraction.

He IS NOT just another player. He IS THE FIRST openly gay player!

Concern Troll: [reads about Sams release]

The game needs to be sped up. Crack down on pitchers and batters taking forever and give relief pitchers 5 warm up pitches from the mound. Get rid of the play in games. But you are wrong about the DH.

I've always thought that the problem is the baseball season is just too damn long and too many games. The season is six months and then tack on the playoffs. there is 162 games, so no one game feels like it is that important, which means collectively no games are important, which means you follow the team far more

Hell, I'd never shower with the guy. Or, for that matter, any other guy. Or girl. Hell no. That's just not how I roll. And I'm damn sure not about to shower in an open locker room. Hello, what about privacy? Who are these people who are showering in front of all these other people? Not me, that's who. Everyone rubbing

so, traffic nightmare, check

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that music in that video is a little too intense for showing grass, right?