
I like how this just slided by into theatres for two weeks and then went into complete nothingness, because everybody was too preoccupied with politics and horror. And even in hindsight, it's kinda difficult to rationally explain how this piece of audio-visual content came into existence.

Baby Driver sounds cool but I was slighly disappointed when I learned it was not actually about a professional driver who is also a baby, as the simple title would straightforwardly suggest

What's wrong with me if the only movie that I'm remotely interested in watching this summer, and more or less inclined to write about in case I end up being pleasantly surprised, is the Goddamn ''Mummy'' reboot, complete with a bleary-eyed Tom Cruise and the worst CGI helicopters since the unfinished leak of X-Men

"First of all, moral responsibility of individuals does not equate to moral responsibility to act against them for failing to act morally. Might sound a little weird, but acknowledging a person or a state's evil does not in itself obligate interventionism if you uphold ideas of sovereignty."

"bystanders have a moral responsibility whether they want to have it or not."

No, civilians didn't 'have it coming'. Deploying thin arguments drawn from an incomplete and possible biased historical perspective to justify a number of casualties entailed by political decisions which you, in a long-term perspective, may tend to approve of, is wrong. This idea is symptomatic of the same kind of

I can't help but feel that the knowledge of the extramarital affair between director and lead actress retroactively colored my reception of Right Now, Wrong Then, to the point where I wonder if this fact refutes the point of the film altogether. My statement may sound rather obscure, because you really need to watch

I'm still mad about Jeremy Renner droping MI: 6 in favor of 2 more Marvel movies.

I skipped season 2 entirely and I love David Milch, so I'm one of the 3 people who are excited about these news without reservations.

Yeah, I read a D.H. Lawrence's novel Sons and Lovers a couple of years ago, and the strong melancholy it evoked in me was quite unlike anything I'd ever watched back at that time.

Something's off about how the action is shot (or edited), or maybe it's because I haven't watched Batman v Superman and thus am not accustomed to this modern style of picturemaking.

Guys, I feel sorry for you. I hope everything will be alright.

Once you realize how imperfect almost all of communication between people is, and how easy it is to replace what a person is trying to say with your own interpreted version of what is spoken to you, it's hard to be upset about it.

Very excited about watching new Dave Chappelle specials right now. I have not watched anything worthwhile lately, except for Handmaiden, and I'm having exams next week, so I figure this will do the job of relaxing my brain before I have to plunge back into studying.

We live in hell.

This position may be understood to imply that the core of Trump's base is constituted by people who were racists in the past, when it was more or less acceptable to hold racist views, and who are now reluctant to give up on their old beliefs. And the sooner enough of these people, let's say, die of old age, the faster

Eichenwald is a hack and was a spectacular failure in the Tucker Carlson interview. This guy, on the other hand, got what he deserved, although I wonder what kind of legal precedent this decision might set.

It's cool when a director goes against expectations and states their artistic intention/ working method in plain terms. In explaining how decisions are made it is customary for them to ascribe successful choices to inspiration or the nebulous idea that 'it just felt right to do at the time'. But when you don't hide

Frankly, they should've stopped after the third game. The decision to continue the series, despite the closure that it more or less achieved in ME 3, seemed wrong and cynical to me from the day of announcement.

There is going to be a Hollywood adaptation of this in 2019, isn't it