
If the substance is bad…. it doesn't mean that the style has to be bad as well……

This is so funny how this site keep pushing experimental changes that are obviously provocative, bad and destined to be retracted within 48 hours

I haven't seen an episode of Criminal Minds in my life, and yet I feel tired of any premise dealing with blurry distinctions between cops and criminals.

He was great in A Simple Plan.

Do people classify Knock Knock as unintentionally funny? Because that's pretty much what it is, less a predictable exercise in subpar aesthetics than a glorification of actor malfunctioning. Don't think there are many reasons to be conflicted about this one, unlike with Roth's other films. Whatever message is

So…. I finally watched Johnnie To's Three. It didn't disappoint me. It crams so much plot in 85 minutes that the only thing I can say rn is that I need a rewatch to properly appreciate the film's little games of build-up and allusion. It's also difficult to overstate how over-the-top the tracking shot sequence is,

I'm beginning to think this Milo guy is not the brilliant tactician I thought he was.

I like Shane Black. I adore the first Predator movie. I admire Werdup. I feel very conflicted about this.

Twitter has already become a nexus of political action and the site of permanent in-fighting, so it's too late to deny its influence anyway.

Sully is one of those movies that you appreciate for the clarity and intelligibility of its structure; every tool Eastwood uses, from flashbacks and framings to motifs of doubling and carefully administered bits of background story, is used judiciously and thus showcases the modest professionalism of the director.

Watched a Valentines day episode of Cumtown, then spent a huge chunk of Saturday reading the Wikipedia page on epistemic closure after seeing someone mention it in the newswire. After that I decided to browse twitter after a week-long break, only to find my weird-leftist timeline in the same state of agitated

Actually I just recently watched MI: Ghost Protocol and was amazed by how….well, awesome it is. Both Tom Cruise and Keanu imprint uniqueness on their films, because they commit themselves to their roles in a very physical way, and it shows. I believe this commitment may implicitly force directors to come up with

This is very funny.

Definitely the latter, because, ironically, a lot of people complained about the sound mixing in a film about great sounds.

What's amazing about the opening scene of John Wick 2 is how immediately it excels at the departments usually occupied by the Fast and Furious franchise and martial arts cinema. Cars are used like body parts, with their rear and front parts used to knock off the opponents. They feel very tactile, and I liked the

My favorite number is probably the opening. There's something about the choreographed movement of camera and people in that scene that is very smooth and gratifying. Also, I liked the imaginitive use of a jammed highway as an example of how to transform dull urban landscapes into a vivid, interesting setting. It's

I like The Eric Andre Show, but I think in its 4th season it has started to show signs of struggle with its foundational conceptual limitations. It doesn't feel as subversive or independent from considerations of taste and audience approval as before. It's become too… viewer-friendly.

La la land is nicely made, and the camerawork is great, but it was tiring to have your attention fixed upon the two leads for 2+ hours. And not that these two leads are gifted with extraordinary coordination or a vocal range. Traditional musicals have subplots, additional couples and minor players who enrich the plot

It's easy to take MI films for granted, but most of them are very solidly made (the last two installments in particular), and Cruise is a superbly dedicated actor. They are unique in a way Marvel films aren't precisely because there is only a limited amount of cool stunts you can physically pull off and thus depict on

Folks….folks… A Hard Day…. is an extremely good film.