
I resent this

I remember ISIS was supposed to be wiped out in under the first 10 days of his presidency??

I understand. Raw is often, like its main characters, anemic and too fascinated with its morbid metaphor of cannibalism as sexual exploration. It's clear the director wasn't interested in the actual psychology of the characters as much as casting a seemingly mundane locale in a disturbing light. A lot of tension is

The Adjuster (Egoyan, 1991) The first time in maybe half a year I had to take a shower after watching a movie because of the sheer level of malaise displayed on screen. Also I can't help but feel this is precisely the kind of film I've been dreaming about making for the last two years.

Raimi's trilogy is weird, off-beat, often completely at odds with a general vision of a perfect superhero movie; the camera angles were unserious and too intentionally old-fashioned; the third part is justly considered a mess and Tobey's performance is said to lack everything that made the comic-book version of Spider

Btw, I would appreciate if someone could explain to me what happened in the second hotel scene where we first see the ghost leaving the hotel, and then see the killer doing the same.

Personal Shopper I just find it hilarious how the main character is so bad at interpreting signs that it drives the ghosts she tries to sense up the wall. Without a doubt, the worst medium in cinema history.

Oh believe me, I fucking LOVE Petersen's 1980's work (in fact, his minimalist acting style is one of the reasons I adore Manhunter). It's just that I think in this one he was a bit overexplicit in trying to channel Chance's spontaneous attitude through his lines and body language. And again, this all can be as well

To Live and Die in L.A.: W. Friedkin's lurid style + sparse dialogue + W. Petersen's hieroglyphically bad acting + violently subverting a genre cliche in the third act (I just choked on my water when that happened) = one of the most accomplished visions of L.A. as a sun-scorched hellscape that need to be wiped off

Although I know this series hasn't succeeded in developing a truly interesting story despite spawning two installments and a couple of plot-heavy DLC's, I was still to my surprise impressed with Dishonored Death of The Outsider trailer. The one-shot gimmick nicely reflects how players WANT to feel when engaged in an

No, it is not based on nationality, not in the way you think. It's not Lebanon's fault that all Israeli citizens are forced to serve in the army, and that the moral license IDF is given stems from an extreme version of right-wing patriotism inculcated into all Israelis' minds since basically kindergarten. If

Eh, I'm not debating the coherence of Lebanese officials' actions, neither do I argue banning a movie is the most effective way of sticking it to Israel on the international arena. But I undesrtand where they were coming from with that ban, so I'm not surprised or outraged like those who think the decision is based

No, they chose to protest a domestic release of a movie which features a former soldier whose army, while she was serving, engaged in acts of aggression against that country and who is now publicly supporting whatever actions this army deems justifiable from the standpoint of defense. The key elements to this ban are:

Go for trying to become the Prez of the US of A, if his recent tour across Midwest is any indication.

Still can't believe Zuckerberg has the gall to go for it.

Playing MGS V and PREY as these are the first games I bought after I upgraded my PC. They both rule.

This is insanely bad.

Holy shit.

In some scenes, it seems as though the movie could almost strike that balance between physical humor and surreal gags that doesn't require any assistance from plot or any contextual knowledge outside what's given in the film. In other words, it came too close to resembling a ZaZ comedy, but instead of embracing a

I'm both disturbed by the picture and happy for this family that apparently had an enjoyable movie going experience.