
Bo Burnham's Make Happy The chief impression while watching it is that of an ubermensch comedian arduously trying to one-up himself and his audience in a game of subversion and expectation-bending. Everything seems at once overly planned and open to contingency, all the defensive mechanisms being in their due

Somebody once said on Twitter that libertarianism is astrology for men, and I can't agree more.

Some of the films that I've watched in September (ranked from most enjoyed to least enjoyed)

Tonal inconsistency was strong with this one.

I agree to disagree

The Nice Guys may be more colorful and laugh-out-loud funny, but watching Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is somehow a more rewarding, well-rounded experience.

I watched Elle, which is astonishing, and I can't wait for all the ways this film will be misundesrstood when it comes out In UK/ US. Also watched Jigoku (1960), which is strange as hell and combines a lot of elements characteristic of the Japanese horror sensibility.

Steve Guttenberg's character Bedroom Window may be the only character in the history of neo-noir who does not exhibit any sign of nervous breakdown throughout the movie. I mean, WHO keeps wearing his Police Academy smile after committing perjury, witnessing his mistress's brutal murder which was incurred in part

"How do you feel now about your "war" film, Les Carabiniers?"

I have no idea why 'The Law' didn't become one of Cohen's most well known song. I find it endlessly re-listenable, and not only because of its lyrics, which fall more on the elliptical side of his poetic style, but, and perhaps even mostly, because of the great melody.

On one hand, The Future sounds too much like an old-man-yelling-at-clouds diatribe, filled with grand prophetic visions of fear-mongering and silly historical generalizations that might seem to belie a poorly structured understanding.

''it is with a heavy heart that i must announce that the celebs are at it again''

The Mission's theme has been stuck in my head for over 1,5 months.

Shout-out for reminding me to keep reading Herzog.


''And then me and the boys ordered the execution of 650 primary school teachers… wait, what was I just talking about?''

Discovering this show cemented my faith in the type of off-beat humor that Adult Swim seemed to have tapped into during its formative years and which it has later become famous for. Everybody can attest this was one one of the best shows to suddenly stumble into in the course of a sleepless night; it possessed a kind

He's the religious nut you love to hate!

Ickiness: The Newswire.

And then there's whole book devoted to the production process of The Other Side of The Wind, Welles' late-career film which featured none other than John Huston in a lead role and which has been circling in the copyright limbo right about forever. As of now, the finishing editing touches are being supervised by