
You can always count on the angry Jezebel horde

That's really cool that you get to be a part of a progressive church in America, but just because that's your experience doesn't mean it's everyone's. Everything I listed has to do with Christianity, and the Bible verses exist to prove and support that. Most churches are not hip with gay people, pre-marital sex, or

I now want a t-shirt or a coffee cup that says, "Except you know ... no butt stuff." Because.

Thugs. I'm sure this will result in a drive by shooting by these wannabe rap artists. Trust me, one of these "baby daddies" is gonna end up getting "smoked." At least with their new contracts, these guys will no longer be on welfare.

Poulson thanks the Prune Packers for helping improve his pitching control and putting him on the map. Though he once struggled with inconsistency, he has recently become extremely regular.

You don't think the NCAA would be helped by having two years of Parker and Wiggins play for free instead of one? You don't think it would have helped them to have Lebron play at Ohio for a year or two instead of jumping pro?

All these morons deserve one of these on the field

Oh wow, someone is actually mansplaining mansplaining.

I love this woman for speaking up about how our community treats LGTBQ people. It needs to stop. These are our kids, our future.

Well Mike Miller has two working knees, so he's got that going for him. And literally any effort at all given on defense will be more than Wade gave in the finals.

Well, the Lostprophets guy was/is an actual pedophile, which means sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children. In his case, it was literally a baby (that he got caught for), and who knows what other poor tiny children who will never have any idea why they're so fucked up for life.

That Lostprophets guy is a whole new level of pedophile. He's terrifying.

Yeah, I was thinking ... "It's 2014. People don't even offer fiscal support to musicians they LIKE."

I worked for a short while in customer service for an ISP and one day this guy calls (not a customer) and demands that we call his neighbour (a customer) and ask that they disable the password for their w-fi because he could no longer access the Internet since his neighbour enabled password protection. He even

Yes. She was doing her job to the best of her ability. Quite frankly, it was the 70's and if she didn't call the victim's sexual history into question, the defendant would have had a good case for appeal because of bad representation. If someone wants to complain about that type of defense, please do, but point the

So, not that in 2014 (or even back then) this kind of behaviour wasn't in poor taste, when Hillary was 27 this tactic was considered de rigeur and part and parcel with providing the best legal defines she could, as defined by her duties to the court.

From an idealistic perspective, Clinton is not fantastic. From a realist perspective, which compares her to whom she would be running against, Clinton is amazing. From an abstract, ahistorical perspective, what she did then was not cool. From a historical, pragmatic perspective, she did what was required of her and

No—NBA franchises are not an elastic good. They go up for sale very rarely. Ballmer tried to buy the Kings when they went up for sale but was rebuffed because everyone thought he was going to move them to Seattle. He couldn't have bought the Bucs because Kohl would not have sold to Ballmer for the fear he'd move

"NBA got off a little too easily for stomping on the idea of a persons right to privacy"

I've had a very similar experience working for a pet store chain. Many things are run horribly because that's the way they've always been done since someone who has never even worked at the store level decided they should be done that way. And then you suggest a change that makes 100% more sense than the old way, and