
The 21st century version of Giant Gonzales.

I've lived either a mile or closer away from Ferguson my entire life and yes, it is toxic. To my knowledge the neighborhood is 70% black and the cops are all white. So yeah, you can imagine the fun interactions there.

Um, I hate to be THAT guy, but is the headline just a typo or a bit of a Freudian slip. Because either way...I dig it.

No, no it wasn't. So why did you say it again?

Thank you for being awesome. Better to do things right then do them too fast, so keep kicking ass (hey, I rhymed :) ).

You're awesome. Meanwhile, there are women out there who don't know anything other than abuse. They're attracted to danger but they either don't understand why, don't want to be, or just can't find a way out.

That happens a lot in domestic violence situations, and it's sad as shit.

Wait...did you just compare Jezebel to PETA? Really? I'm genuinely curious as to how you arrived at such a comparison.

You have a point, and I'm really sorry that you were treated so badly (and not call center sorry).

I'm sorry that happened to you (and not call center sorry, legit sorry. That really does suck). And forgive my comment above, I was at work and a bit angry when I wrote that, and now that I think about it it's kind of a messed up thing to say. I'm gonna throw a little advice in here for everyone in this thread. Some

Hang up if you dont want to talk to someone,, how is that so hard to understand? Treating someone horribly for doing their job makes you an asshole. Full stop.

You're frequently left on hold for long periods of time aren't you?

I had a lady flip out on me because I did not say the period in her name. So, imagine if Ms. Woods first name was Jane. Now, imagine said lady losing it because you didn't say "Miss Period Jane Woods" every time you addressed her.

I'm also not white. Congrats, we're minorities!

That's a pretty awful thing to do. Collections agents are people too, and they're just doing their jobs. They're pissy (and I'm speaking from experience on both sides) because they deal with the lowest common denominator of delinquent asshat on a daily basis. Treat a collections agent with a modicum of respect (at

That's true for literally any CSR (save for overseas call centers). Treat us like people and we will run through a wall for you. Treat us like shit and we quickly stop giving one.

She's bisexual, and you're an idiot. Next.

I never said it did. I'm saying that your experience doesn't mean jack shit to the many people that Christians have boned over the years (and not in the fun way). Trust me, when something almost drives you to suicide you start to lose respect for it pretty quickly.

So I'm gonna make a blanket statement:

Gomez did take a few years to figure out how to not suck (platoon with Nyjer Morgan anyone?). Short of that though, you're right.