
Not without any grace period. I've worked with and without grace periods between calls (usually about 15 seconds) and I'll take grace periods any day. It's a wonder how much one can get done in 15 seconds :)

The issue is that we HAVE to say those things to get paid..and keep our jobs. And it's truly awful. I have calls where I know I just fucked someone over, and I can't do jack shit about it or I'll lose my job. Full stop.

Incorrect. Playing overseas can be just as strong a way to prepare (if not stronger). Also, playing overseas has the wonderful added benefit of, you know, getting paid to play. That makes a big difference.

Yeah, I just dismissed the last one and ate a yogurt.

I'm sorry that you are scared of other men. You should work on that. Cause you know, you can do that. You can work out and gain muscle without people calling you unfeminine.

What in the ever loving fuck does that even mean?

Because it's assigning a negative behavior to 50% of the population based on their genitalia.

Just keep digging that hole for yourself. I'll get the popcorn.

but making gross comments like the one described above personally offends me more than it does for women.

So you take the time to click at least three times and write two inane sentences on a story that you didn't want to see in the first place?

You know, three point shooting is a wonderful thing. All three of those guys don't cost very much and they can shoot. That's a valuable skill.

Mmm, serious question guy. Let's go.

Amen. Finally someone who understands. The CBA artificially caps a player's earning potential no matter how much he makes for the owners. This is complete and utter bullshit. I really hope things change with the next CBA, but that might be a pipe dream.

So I make an argument, and you call me names. Thanks. Surprised those pearls you keep clutching haven't shattered yet.

Haha, it seems like you're view of what wrestling is stems from shit that happened in the dark ages. Since the Chris Benoit tragedy in 2006 things have changed significantly. Allow me to offer counterpoints:

Good for you. I'm black and queer too, and my mom treats me with contempt, my dad hates me, and I can't even tell the rest of my family because they won't react well. So yeah, #notallblackpeople and all that.

15 years ago you would have had a fair (if pearl clutching) point. But now you just sound like an idiot. Go watch a WWE show and find something that truly offends you enough to want it abolished.

I know how you feel. Back when the lead singer of Lostprophets got busted for being a pedophile and the band broke up I had the same conflict. Sometimes it's hard to separate those two things.

The problem is that, given Robert Kelly's general level of shitbaggery, transphobia isn't something that surprises anyone. Also, I don't know if you've ever met a black trans person or know much about that intersection (I have and I do) but black culture makes the act of coming out (as anything other than straight,

That's assuming that listening to his music in such a way that generates royalties for him is the only way to listen to his music. For the most part, I agree with you (Robert Kelly is a gross piece of shit) but on that point I cannot. There's always torrents and such.