
and advised Baez to be more selective with his swings—something the stats show Baez did, at least until he was called up.

Movie trailer voice-over: You laughed at him in Boston. You said "wait, he's where now?" in Tampa. But next summer, Ramirez returns to the big time. Get ready for out-of-the-park laughs with The Mannyger. In theaters May, 2015.

Thank you for being possibly the only person who pointed out the two typos I made without being a huge dick about it. I mean that sincerely.


I figured his next stop was going to be the WWE

You keep going on about this woman having a low IQ, yet you have the diction and sentence structure that my six year old son would laugh at.

The point is that women tend to be the ones on the receiving end of domestic violence.

That's it - I've heard of pedophiles even entering monastic situations so they have no chance of being in contact with children. If people want to get help and are smart enough to get it before they do anything to hurt anyone, they should not be punished.

Sugar, you seem tired today! I can't imagine having to get up and post today with how late you were up last night posting all the Ferguson stuff. Can we post for you while you take a quick nap? My sympathies! I'm sending you a coffee with my mind!

Ha! I don't think I wrote that headline, but I'll fix it, lol.

I covered this last time, but no, nothing in the rules prevents it. A few have played professionally, although no woman has started in the MLB.

Just in case I should be on call for this . I am going to inquire about renting a central asian steppe pony and get my pointy hat and archery kit out of storage. The sword is in one of my closets somewhere.

Would it be possible to get a clearly-posted explanation of how to get out of the greys at some point? Maybe in the drop-down next to the J logo if possible, or at the bottom if need be (since the Commenting Guidelines linked on the About page haven't been updated since the days of stars). I just feel like we had to

Being Grey is better than being assaulted! Thank you to GM HQ!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, GM. And thank you, Jezebel Staff, for standing up for yourselves in that bold way. Everyone reading knows what a big and courageous step that was. Not that I matter, but it feels like you stood up for me too.

Sorry it took the gifs being shared at the other Gawker sites for anyone at Gawker to give a shit about Jezebel.

multiplication tables are still taught, but take a back seat to understanding how multiplication actually works. It may be surprising to learn that memorization is a poor way to learn anything and also doesn't help you when you get to new problems not part of what you memorized. "Quick! What's 13*450??"

Probably because she's only changed her first name. And if she's Kellie Maloney and Sean calls her by her last name throughout the article, that's going to get really confusing.

thank you for your post. People continue to blame the technicians, well I happen to be married to a technician who works his butt off and truly cares about what he does. can he pull a gun out on a customer because the customer is yelling and screaming in his face? The real problem is that people feel they are entitled

I think a LOT of that has to do with being polite. I also try to go the "nice as possible" route with customer service (one, because I've worked it and it sucks, and two, I know those poor CSRs are just trying to make a living, it does no good to be nasty). I usually get pretty far! My bill gets lowered, or certain