
"What a crime that he has to cover this up in order to continue in the business"- Carlos Colon

It's like watching a bunch of narrow minded douche canoes swim up a river of stupid.

Putting aside my contempt for her, this is awful. She didn't deserve to be assaulted, especially by two white me calling her the n word.

So if you've never heard of the word, it must be made up? That is some Grade A navel-gazing millennial bullshit. Dude, most readers here know what it is. The others looked it up. There also is something enriching about doing a little (in this case, very little) research, figuring something out (by yourself) and

Except he almost certainly doesn't have 8.8 billion dollars in cash but, rather, that's his net worth. So in order to make this sort of a payment he'll lose half of his interest in whatever businesses he's a part of which, provided he's still active in running them, would be a significant change in his life.

Kinda sounds like you don't even get where you're coming from; you acknowledge what savingsarose said (that it must sting, no matter what you have left) while still arguing, abstractly, that philosophically it shouldn't matter at all. So which is it? Does it sting, or is it irrelevant?

Well, not quite. It's more that America's bigots have gotten polite enough to not openly hate a gay person until the gay person does something they arbitrarily decide is wrong for a gay person to do. The reality show makes it okay to be homophobic.

I think the film crew will be happy they aren't allowed around OTA's and camp to provide a "distraction", because c'mon. Earth City smells worse than green baby shit.

Thank you for allowing me to use this for a third time today

"...perpetuates and exacerbates grave injustices in the name of profits for the ultra-rich."

My mother is a long-time public school teacher and I was a union rep at my university when I taught. Is there waste and largesse and excessive benefits for union officials? Yes. Are they essential for protecting those underpaid folks charged with educating against wayward admins? Hell yes. Unions are a mixed evil but

Yeah, that's why I pointed that out in my article which I hope you read all the way through because I view it as a sign of how much you love me AND I WOULD BE DEAD WITHOUT YOUR LOVE AND VALIDATION. YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA.

Your whole post is "Rivers shoulda known better" instead of "his boss shouldn't be a racist piece of shit." My issue with your statement is not that people should feel bad for Rivers. I certainly don't, he has an excellent job that will pay more than what I can probably every hope to make. My problem is that saying

#1. People who constantly use Facebook to pimp their personal political or social beliefs are annoying. Perhaps the BF doesn't quite realize this, politely explaining it to him might be a nice thing to do for him. That said, those alleged "friends" who insist on insulting him and staging big FB blow-ups sound like a

The relationship would be essentially over if a woman did this to me. I'd do right by the kid, but I would resent it as well.

I get it. What self-respecting black man will continue playing for an owner with a plantation mentality, right?

Think about this shit a little harder.

For a lot of players, their personal relationship to the team goes as far as Doc Rivers and ends there. And that organization worked hard to make themselves relevant

The problem I have is that "ableism" is the new "it" word. It's ableist when a GTer's uncle got fired after 20 years working for a production company because his muscular dystrophy was progressing faster than expected. THAT'S ableism. Saying that it's ableist to call an insane situation insane is insulting and

as students may be turned off reporting a sexual assault because of perceived poor outcomes

"The LA Times then flesh out this story be recounting the day of the murder, when the couple, who met in AA, went on a bender to cope with being evicted, all after Shannon lost her job and mobile home, while Chip had just gotten out of prison."

Anyway, it's also important to note that a customer who has told you they have waited an hour has probably waited 15 minutes in actual time...