
It *is* a fucking stupid way to view another human being.

I'm equally offendedby the photoshopper's laziness. Fixing the wall warp would have taken, like, ten minutes.

The liquify tool in Photoshop should be available to designers once they pass an Are You Worthy of Using Me? Test. Jesus.

Haha - Unicorns is actually a pretty apt description, actually. To be sure, there are a lot of guys who have been totally awesome to me. I include all of my former bandmates in this group. I was never anything but "the drummer" - not "the female drummer" or what have you, just "the drummer." Great group of guys, all

Sound about right to me!

Yeah. My only bit of mild eyebrow raising was over the amount of money they spent because I'd hope for different results for that much, but hey, they seem to be rocking out by their own standards, so okie dokie. Now, if they're jerks, I get to be slightly more judgey, but without proof of that, I'll stick to a

Eh. If they're happy it's none of my beeswax.

So, let me ask a related question: is there anything that would be appropriate/expected/appreciated for a fellow who might have the occasional lady guest to have on hand? An assorted box of tampons? Yoga pants and a plain t-shirt?

Raising her Q Score. Now we know what Jenny McCarthy's entire misguided, deadly anti-vaccination campaign has been about.

YES! THIS. Thank you. I was born and raised in Topeka, just blocks from the WBC compound. These people picketed evvvverything. Every other church in Topeka, my grade school graduation, my high school graduation, my college graduation. Now they've obviously expanded to taking on the entire nation, but I think

I think you mean "females." They always hate females, never women.

Thank you! You said it better than I ever could have. It's taken me a long time to reconcile my wish for them all to die painful, horrible deaths with "doing the right thing". I'm more or less an atheist, but I have prayed silently under my breath for years that nobody would ever harm them, and for them to die

I work with one of those types, he exists on a diet of hot pockets, energy drinks, the gym, and dude-broness. Though he is also shit at coding, but pretends he isn't.

Crying is a gland secretion and, while I know people can control the emotional response that causes it to some degree, trying not to cry is like trying not to stress sweat. I cry when I get anxious, which thanks to my anxiety disorder happens in public on occasion, and it is the most embarrassing thing in the world.

There are startups like that, they haven't really had any hits (by virtue of the luck of start ups), but the reality is there probably isn't a shortage of talent for places that want to just be full of dude-bros.

Funny, I have. One thing I've also noticed: dudes often refuse to see or acknowledge all the little perks they get from privilege.

Sexual objectification can make one feel unsafe. Doesn't mean one is assuming gang rape threat

A good start-up that could make itself a comfortable place for women (and people of color, and those with different abilities, etc.) would rally have its pick of the talent. I wish I had a billion-dollar idea just so I could do this.

Is it sad that I'm not even surprised that a tech start-up is horrible to women? (Yes, the answer is yes)

That's really frustrating because men are allowed to scream and lose their shit all the time. Cry out of frustration once, and everyone sees you as the hysterical crybaby that can't control their emotions or handle how life works.