
I'm hoping that people don't show up to heckle Phelps' funeral, thinking they're being ironic. We don't need to forgive Phelps in order to avoid stooping to his level - God knows, I don't forgive him - and letting his signature brand of assholery become the new normal by imitating it would be allowing him more of a

I think it's a joke about the fact that no one other than people from New York or assholes from other parts of the world actually like the Yankees.

Because some people expect sports to be serious, and should therefore attempt to be taken seriously. These people are idiots, and seem to forget that sports are games and at their core should be fun. What gets me about this is that a soccer jersey can look like a goddamned quilt made from the logos of motor oil, car

Exactly. Shaken Baby Syndrome is a horrible, horrible thing; however, I get how it could happen, especially in the days before it was something that parents were rigorously educated about. I'm not saying it's excusable, and I'm certainly not promoting it as an effective parenting tool; I'm just saying that I can get

This protest is just proof that a racist's greatest fear is being treated the way white people have treated minorities for decades.

according to the United Nation's own definition of genocide.

I know I'm not the only one that thought about this:

What Autistic people suffer from is ableist people, not their Autism.

That would really have a lot of negative consequences, and largely end up hurting people further down on the socioeconomic ladder. There are actually a lot of systematic barriers contributing to this: people not having the funds for vaccines, or not having access to pediatricians who will give vaccines for affordable

Well, if you are trying to pull tail in your room you should probably get your own place.

I may just be banging my head against the wall here, but I work in air safety, so here goes.

People for eons lived without vaccinations and lived perfectly healthy lives...until they died at age 22 from a cold.

I see where you're coming from, but I don't think this is true. The reason some women get labeled bossy might be due to their actions or immaturity, but I don't think that's the whole thing. Women also get labeled bossy when they're exercising authority other people perceive not to belong to them.

"Bossy" is coded speech though, which makes it worse. Because if you call someone a bitch, everyone knows you're being disrespectful and inappropriate and they see the connection between "woman" and "bitch". But bossy, people don't notice that they only apply it to women, they don't notice its gendered nature and what

Sure. But its use demonstrates the speaker's discomfort with being told what to do by a woman. The best way to handle this is to accept that it says nothing about you and volumes about the speaker. Getting rid of the word won't get rid of the discomfort (and thereby the actual problem). Instead, embrace the role

I like how you don't seem to get that bossy completely *is* a gendered thing. While the word itself, "bossy," is ungendered, its widespread use and therefore its ultimate meaning are gendered. Falling back on an ungendered dictionary definition is lazy (and incorrect). It's easy to say, as some assholes already have,

I knew he was better than me at soccer and dancing. Now he's better at computering.

i went 2 a gay wedding

Like a lot of men I've met recently, Juan Pablo was so cute...until he started talking.

This hits a little too close to home, as I have indeed been in that warriors boots myself....