
Nailed it.

Blading isn't fake. If you want proof (and haven't had a meal yet today), Google "ECW Mass Transit incident" and tell me if you still think it's fake.

I'm with ya there. I get it from both sides. Folks with darker skin than me discount me because I look mixed (which I could be, I don't really know) and folks with lighter skin think that I'm Indian (really?). There is no one way to look or be black.

Ah, I stand corrected. Edited for accuracy and maximum saltiness.

Yeah, she's half black. She's one of us!

Yeah, read the comments on the Gawker story about this. It's like watching a bunch of narrow minded douche canoes swim down a river of stupid.


I get where you're coming from, but losing half of your net worth for any reason isn't something to sneeze at, no matter how much you have left.

Yes. Because baseball.

Um, what?

There are thirty teams in the NBA. There are 12-15 jobs available on each team. That means that only about 360-450 people IN THE WORLD can be on an NBA roster at one time (and no, playing overseas doesn't count. It's an option, but spending that length of time halfway around the world from family and friends is beyond

That Something that you speak of has to have existed for something to have come from it. Said Something's existence is pretty much bullshit, while the Nothing at least has evidence to back up that Something came from it. Evidence>Bullshit. Therefore Blake Griffin is an idiot.

Sweetie, if you're coming here for objectivity, you're in the wrong place. You could try World Net Daily, Infowars, Fox News, etc...

When Christians show any respect—really, any at all—to atheists, I'm pretty sure we'll start respecting Christians. Until then, their all ignorant sheep.

Um, sounds like you need to get laid man.

It doesn't make him a bad person. It DOES make him a fucking moron. YEC has been proven to be bullshit. If you still believe in it, you're an idiot. Simple.

Trolling: That word does not mean what you think it means.

You don't get it do you. They can do whatever they damn well please as long as it doesn't harm anyone else. My point is that the choices that the Duggars are making are harming their children (this is an objective opinion, by the way). Forcing—and yes, they are forcing—a child to parent a younger sibling because you

Nobody is debating their bodily autonomy. They have every right to fuck and breed like cattle until their god says otherwise. I also have the right to call them fucking crazy. They wouldn't hesitate to criticize the people they see as sinners. Why should they not get the same treatment?

They'll have a Nate Phelps eventually. And I look forward to that glorious day.