
Um, no. Nothing makes forced sterilization a good idea. Mostly because it's barbaric, but also partly because there are a lot of idiots in this world who wouldn't know where to stop.

Look, having so many kids that you see fit to hand over babies to your oldest daughters to raise is awful parenting. You have the kid, you parent the kid. I don't have any issue with their reproductive choices. I do have an issue with forcing a child to perform the inherent responsibility that you assumed when you had

All customer service is advertising. I almost guarantee you that they've addressed whatever issues caused this complaint internally. I definitely guarantee you that they've seen more brand benefit from showing a little creativity than just saying "Oh, we're sorry about your trouble. We'll change our policies to make

Oh relax, it had the intended effect. The customer is going to give them another try. That's the goal.

Nah, they don't. It depends on what business you're in. If you're in, say, insurance and you get a complaint, it's probably not a good idea to respond with humor. But food service is a lot different than most businesses. Depending on your branding, you can afford to be hilarious.

No, it's not. This is a mistake that even someone with no image manipulation experience can spot. There are some mistakes that I'll concede to a rookie Photoshopper (it is a difficult program to learn, let alone master) but this isn't one of them. I can't fathom how no one noticed the warping before it got posted to

Same for bisexual men: Our minds and bodies don't work the way y'all think they work ;)

The funny part? Technically that's better work than the original photo ;)

There's lazy...and then there's that jar of fail sauce. I mean, I'm just offended. It's the definition of not giving a crap about your work. If I sent a photo this badly edited to a client I'd probably lose their business. I kinda want to go find whoever edited this photo and kick them in the shins.

True, and apologies for not making this clear: I'm not talking about every guy. I'm talking about some rather ornery fellas. Like the photog I know who made fun of a 15 year old girl simply for playing the guitar. That's when I know it's gone off the rails.

Okay. You make a fair point. However, most music bloggers are just trying to find their voice when they first start out. Writing is hard fucking work. That said, if you want to fire up a blog or pick up a camera and go shoot a concert you ought to be able to do that without people wondering if you're fucking the lead

I'm pretty sure I know what he's talking about. I've spent most of my adult like crouching around in photo pits, and at almost every show there are women in the front screaming for something in the band through every song. I've seen girls straight up flash bands at times (according to my former bodyguard father

I remember the first time I photographed a band that had an awesome lady drummer. Female drummers were basically unicorns to me (I was 18 and stupid). Then she fuckin killed it for 45 minutes and I was floored. I'm not trying to earn my man-who-doesn't-hate-women cookie of the day. I just think it's funny how I

Usually it's because we only see women as sex objects. If a woman tries to be any more than that, no matter if it's something we like, we take it as an affront to our manhood. I only say we because this is bullshit that I have to check every day. If, as a man, you're insecure enough to be threatened by a woman doing

"They looked better before they wrecked their bodies I like my females naked, shaved, and smooth as a newborn baby's ass. I basically want my females shot out of the butt with big tits and no brains. Oh and they shouldn't talk. Pussies don't talk. Basically they should be Fleshlights for my cock."

I think he'll be alright for a while there champ :)

I'm a guy, but my two best friends are women and I'm the only child of a single mom. This shit's been ingrained in me since puberty:

By saying something stupid and condescending on an open forum, you solicited a response. I'll give you the grammatical errors, but calling out stupid shit isn't pedantic in the least. The fact that you think it's okay to call someone a "delicate little camel" says a lot about your views on what's a minor issue and

Faith is the inherent absence of logic. These people are not logical. They are not rational. If they were, they wouldn't believe the bullshit that they spew. Saying that we should be angry but pay them no mind is not contradictory at all. I'll rephrase if it helps: Showing these people anger and contempt just adds

I are an angry cryer. The only time that I lost it completely in a work environment was when I was called a useless piece of shit n-word and threatened with violence in front of about 20 other people. This was after a long pattern of really bigoted harassment. I really feel for this woman and I have no sympathy at all