I think a shitty afternoon isn’t too much for him to bear.
I think a shitty afternoon isn’t too much for him to bear.
She’s braver than any politician cowering before the NRA.
It wasn’t a good guy with a gun. It was a trained officer with a gun. Perhaps I’m wrong but I’ve always thought the good guy with a gun was supposed to be a civilian with a gun in the right place at the right time.
The owner was aware, that was where she initially put the dog carrier. This has been widely reported and Jezebel’s report is seriously lacking in details. If you click on any other links, it becomes obvious that there is a definite reason United has already come forward with a statement claiming full responsibility.
There’s a lot of things you can say about Tillerson, but he’s competent as hell and is definitely somebody who worked their way up. He worked low wage jobs through high school and college, joined Exxon as an engineer, and worked his way up to management. He had an excellent reputation in the business community…
Wait do you think Dems are generally opposed to use of black sites or something
Apologize not, friend. You’ve just pitched the best idea SNL has had in years.
It’s like when you see a person struggling to complete a 5k, you run right over and kick them in the shin!
That’s going to be my new motto in life. Tomorrow, I’m getting it tattooed on my forehead
Her brother is Erik Prince, the founder of the infamous mercenary outfit Blackwater. Think what kind of upbringing produces a pair of assholes like this.
“I was just there to be there,” she said.
I would be willing to bet money that by tomorrow he’s saying “well of course you have to have a process you always have to have a process.” Like...those exact words.
Well, you’ve schooled me. I’m off to my local RedBox to score the latest Larry the Cable Guy, Tim Allen and Jeff Foxworthy offerings.
Trump’s HEROISM throughout the years
OB is the only tampon that my period cannot Houdini around.
Your anecdotal evidence notwithstanding, just because doctors also occasionally kill white people by being overconfident that doesn’t change the fact that black women are definitely-and to a statistically relevant degree-dying from getting lesser care than white women when giving birth no matter what advantages they…
Considering Trump himself has been accused of marital rape and other physical violence against Ivana Trump at the very least. . . How is he going to condemn violence against women when he’s a perpetrator?
The word is “strangled”.
Unless they can offload food that’s about to expire. And get paid for it.
Drug dealers swap drugs for food? Like yeah, this baggie of meth will set you back a jar of peanut butter and a pound of string beans?