
It is very much both things, not just the cognitive dissonance. Just consider the construct of the ‘difficult/brilliant man who is worth the heartache’ popularised in films, TV and music - in fact most films who have won the Oscar Best Picture deal in this trope, with the accompanying ‘long-suffering wife’ trope.

In the way women are socially conditioned, there is often an emphasis on remaining and enduring when relationships are difficult. Commitment and self-sacrifice are often something women are expected to have in relationships more than men. This conditioning often causes the line of thought that a ‘strong’ women should

it would not surprise me in the least to learn that kellyanne has an opioid cabinet.

Right, but you automatically went to “will it result it overcrowding?” without taking a moment to google and see what this specific issue was (since I think it was started by a comment about Samantha Bee’s kids’ school). And, in fact, it was an attempt to RELIEVE a primarily white school’s overcrowding by moving it to

What is more concerning is that some people will look at the photo and preemptively decide that these were people and ideas of a long bygone era (like petrified wood or fossils) not realizing that it wasn’t long ago and these people are still very much alive.

Beautiful coal is... diamonds, surely?

what the fuck is he talking about?

I’m so glad you wrote this. I wish more politicians could be forced to read stories like yours so that they understand what the difference is like between having good insurance, and shitty insurance or no insurance. Republicans will still claim, “Oh, nobody dies in this country because they don’t have insurance.”

The historical driving force here may have been female purity/fragility. But I don’t think it is anymore. Because while Female purity/fragility may have been the ideal for white motherhood in the late 19th century, I think for a long time now there’s been a different ideal: That of the fearsome “mama bear.” (Retches.)

The appropriate thing to do would be to go through whichever government agency that area has for child protective services and place the child in temporary custody (potentially a relative) while the mother enters treatment and potentially one day has some type of contact or even custody of her child.

Not fighting with you, but with all due respect, I can think in at least one scenario where that “mother” should totally have ever kept that kid: she gets the help she needs - and its an obligation of the State to provide! -, hopefuly recovers, and go on becoming a good mother. You call it “insanity”, I call it

I sincerely hope 20-something years from now this little girl, now a full grown woman, has an eureka moment and say to this guy “You were a police officer, a figure of authority with the task of serve and protect. You had my mom right in front of you, in desperate need of help. And your answer to that human being,

Anybody that unplugs Trump, period, is a hero.

In a phone call with McCabe following Comey’s firing, Trump reportedly told McCabe to ask his wife “how it feels to be a loser” in an apparent reference to her failed Democratic bid for the Virginia state legislature in 2015.

I think the big differences were really that you *had* to live a healthy-ish (by modern standards) lifestyle unless you were super-rich. The problems of the modern era weren’t there, and you had to make your shit yourself, so there was a lot more satisfaction. Everything was organic. You had to move all day. You HAD

Good point. I do enjoy a drink now and again, but drinking alcohol is the opposite of detoxing. It is toxing.

a giant feature wall covered in kale, radishes, and beets that wilted in a desultory fashion over the course of the day.

Yeah I read that and said WTF? How do 2 people exchange 50,000 texts? Thats 100 texts a day for 500 days. My plan is 200 texts a month and I went over that once. For a like really smart stable genius he needs some help with math.

Shutting down the government for weeks on end wouldn’t be an answer for anything.

I think some of the confusion is that when Bank of America talks about “savings”, people immediately think of a Bank of America savings account. But they might mean total “savings” in the broader sense of all investments, as in “financial net worth”. A 30 year old having $100k of retirement savings in their 401k is