“Your decision to assault was calculated, precise, devious, despicable,” Aquilina said. “You played on everyone’s vulnerability. I’m not vulnerable.=
“Your decision to assault was calculated, precise, devious, despicable,” Aquilina said. “You played on everyone’s vulnerability. I’m not vulnerable.=
So, the solar panel tariff will cost American jobs, cost the taxpayer, and make a renewable power source more expensive thereby pushing us back toward dependence on foreign oil?
Seriously. It’s a very plata o plomo kind of tactic, man, and nobody thinks of it as particularly consensual when the narcotrafficantes use it.
The way we keep people off of juries is really weird, I think. The selection for basically people who have no firsthand knowledge of the subject at hand leads to juries that, especially when dealing with subjects where our collective knowledge is based on stereotypes and misinformation like rape and sexual assault,…
“All agents within Tucson sector have been instructed not to remove or destroy water stations, food or other resources left along the trails in the desert,”Border Patrol public-affairs agent Christopher Sullivan told AZCentral. Sullivan claimed that this policy had been in place for years.
Why do I care what Rod Barry, famous porn actor, has to say about DACA?
I guess Africa isn’t the only continent with shithole countries. Although I thought Trump had a soft spot for the Eastern European countries that provide him with money and women.
“Small government for my money, big government for your pussy.”
Shame about the concentration camps though huh?
And also, it’s going to put off the Norwegians.
God she always just looks so... fresh. Also that little colorblock number she is sporting with Elmo is also fresh as hell.
Honey this isn’t a doctoral thesis. Do your own damn research or do you expect a black woman o do that for you as well? I mean we been saving this damn country over and over again, why not find some damn sources as well. Go away with your raggedy self.
We sit Mini Oeuvre in front of The Wheels on the Bus goes Round and Round on YouTube and then we make tiny Boo-from-Monster’s-Inc pigtails. It usually stays.
If I read between the lines, I think his message is that the rich have become such greedy as*holes, they risk destabilizing their own enviable economic position and need to give a tiny bit more back. They need to give us a few more scraps, lest we revolt, or (more likely), our reduced consumer spending (which is still…
Maybe those 352,000 would then want to emigrate to the Unites States. I’m sure that would make Trump happy.
Oh sure. It’s got to be the rich white man.
In a statement, the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office said that “The parents were unable to immediately provide a logical reason why their children were restrained in that manner.”