
Good lord, the US immigration system is completely broken, and is heavily weighted against most people who want to come here “the right way”. There are plenty of Mexicans (Yeah, not just Mexicans, but when people talking about immigration, 99% of the time, they’re talking about Mexicans, so for simplicity, I’m using

2:1 odds says Lance is also a brand ambassador for IZOD.

That’s how you pair a helmet with stilettos on a skateboard. It’s fashion, duh. Don’t forget the jaunty tilt.

Not really fat enough to be Trump.

Could someone redo this GIF so she punches him in the face, then he’s dragged across the floor by a black female cop? Please? That would really make my day.

Dear Men,

The man is so uncultured I doubt he’s ever even eaten yogurt.

Her point is that they didn’t bother to bring anything for the baby, like a stroller, or anything to carry all of the baby supplies the foster family was giving them. Even though they knew for weeks that they would be picking up the baby and her stuff. Common sense is pretty important when it comes to babies.

I feel as if almost all the parents in this series are trying to turn the tables on how this should work and put the burden of the relationship on the children instead of themselves. It’s the children who have to deal with their psychological or physical absence, their abuse, their lack of preparedness for their

Just in case this didn’t crop up here before now.

But you don’t offer a solution, except maybe women who want children shouldn’t become surgeons? That’s where we already are.

You’re right—who wants driven, ostensibly intelligent, hard-working people having children anyway?

Truly, the surgeons I have had, especially obstetricians, have appalling stories of trying to start a family and complete their training at the same time. And let’s not forget that there is a shortage of OB/Gyns in this country. The fellows who were working at the hospital where I delivered my baby were expected to

On Retta’s Instagram story her rebuttal was “sure Lindsay, Hitler never killed me.”

Wait, he wants the anchor baby?

I don’t care what anyone else says. I don’t want her to go away. I don’t want her to be quiet. It’s never not the right time.

1. His signature on a piece of paper is about as effective as a piece of paper known as a protection order. Which is to say, not at all.

Yeah, that part stuck out to me as well. It’s important because it reinforces the idea that sexual assaults don’t occur in a vacuum. Whether it’s the child being molested by a parent while the other parent keeps everything hush-hush, or a circle of acquaintances who know “that dude is sketchy” or even (as in this

Dear General Kelly,

I bet the overlap of men who grovel after trump abuses them and men who say that abused women should just leave is >99%.