
I’m not a medical expert, but I am currently pretty well informed about the risks of VBACs, since I had one a few months ago (successful, thankfully!). I feel like we don’t have enough details from both sides of this particular story, so I’ll just say some general things based on my experience & my research:

I know we’re not supposed to body-shame, but didn’t he used to have a neck?

Been there, done that, got the tee-shirt. When people ask me how many miscarriages I had before we ended up with an actual baby, I just say “fewer than 10.” Had them with fertility cycles, I had them between the fertility cycles. This is the way I know, at a gut, experiential level, that a fertilized egg is not a

Oh no, I sincerely hope we get the FULL Marie Antoinette. Including Oct. 16 1793.

Everything I want to say about this guy would end up getting me investigated by the Secret Service.

“Ugh, it stinks out here. Do you have any idea how expensive it’s going to be to clean all this mess off the street? It doesn’t even rain here, gonna have to do it all the hard way. It’s like Bowling Green all over again.”

It really speaks volumes about Trump that he has no problem getting all riled up and emotional, while speaking off the cuff with colorful language, about NFL players kneeling for the anthem, or while attacking the distraught mayor of San Juan after it was just destroyed by a hurricane.

Your comment made no sense because your syntax is horrible.

This. It always amazes me how the same dudes who couldn’t even make the JV football team 30 years ago somehow will develop Navy Seal levels of reflexes, situational awareness, mental toughness and marksmanship just by getting a gun at the local Wal-Mart. That we are even having to have the conversation around

Statement from Trump:

My fetus has a heartbeat and I haven’t puked since Monday!

“These are words Donald Trump just said about Puerto Rico: “The loss of life, it’s always tragic. But it’s been incredible. The results that we’ve had with respect to loss of life. People can’t believe how successful that has been, relatively speaking.” What the fuck does that mean?”

“The NFL cannot disrespect our country,” Trump said, before taking a deep breath and continuing.

“I have so many friends...”

I’m astonished by this as well. I hate him with the heat of a thousand million laser cats.

You are absolutely correct. There are acceptable risks we all take (driving etc), and there are risks there’s no reason to accept. When there’s another able body available to do things that may have disastrous consequences to you and not them, they should be doing those things. Like cleaning a fucking litter box for

You’re home enough to chase after and clean up after Pee Cat every.single.time it pees in the sink, but you don’t have time to do your fucking dishes more than once a week? And husband getting mad asking him to clean a fucking litter box? Let me guess, he is going to whine having to “babysit” his own kid, too. I don’t

I don’t want to pile on this lady, but I just gotta say: if asking her husband to clean the litter box while she’s freaking pregnant elicits anything other than “of course dear”, let alone a fight, then there are problems. She can’t do it, it needs to be done, he’s the only other person available. This does not bode

You really never know.

There’s always one know-it-all.