remember, he has no idea how anything works.
It’s troubling to see so many replies completely miss the point of these stories. The commenters who focus in on one part of the story are justifying wide-spread abuse of discretion and unwarranted trauma because they can’t get past something that also happens in rich white folk’s homes without a second glance from…
If we’re throwing all context out the window, well then removing a child from the only home and parents they’ve ever known is also a crime, called “kidnapping.” But how about we acknowledge the complexities of real life that the woman in fact acknowledges in her story, that all at the same time there exist some…
The Nazi’s were just doing their job as well, Spicey. Even if I wasn’t a child of a Holocaust survivor, I’d find this nonsensical line of reasoning a goddamn disgrace.
I would more accurately say: unfortunately that’s what the US insatiable appetite for drugs has done to Mexico.
Here you go. I wrote this several years ago about my childhood summers in the mountains
Maybe someone should write an album about it, or make a movie…
I’m not sure it was narcissism (might have been, I just don’t feel qualified to make that call one way or another). But he was definitely insecure and prone to some combination of paranoia and/or jealousy. That’s really not a great combination. The thing with emotional abuse is that it often comes on gradually and…
mental illness? fuck that. Toxic male entitlement is what this is. Women with mental illness dont go around doing this shit
One problem with approach is that it assumes the better gunman is the more righteous one.
1) “The boy’s uncle, Lyrik Martin, who also posted photos of his injuries on social media, wrote in a post that he wasn’t sure the attack was racially motivated”
None of Trump’s and his administrations decisions in any way make economic sense nor do they make sense in terms of job creation and growth. Cut NIH funds? Tons of researchers out of jobs. Muslim ban? Reduces number of foreign students applying for US universities and reduces tourism. Disband DACA? Dreamers…
I feel like, current events and all, him drowning in toxic waste and raw sewage would be more appropriate.
“... and staying true to our core mission of protecting the environment and American jobs.”
Holy fucking shit, you’re a monster. First and foremost: these are children. They are not responsible for their parents’ financial situation, and they have growing bodies and brains that make it especially important for them to be getting decent nutrition.
Fuck, that is an ugly picture.
And, as a childfree person whose taxes pay for it, I’m on team Feed ‘Em. Two ways of looking at it: One, it’s the right thing to do. Second, well-fed, well-educated kids will be better at paying my Social Security and Medicare someday.
Several years ago, I read an article about the Finnish government’s complete overhaul of their services for children a few decades ago. The first step was the famous Finnish baby box - a cardboard box that doubles as a cradle - filled with essentials for a newborn child. Because it is Finland, it includes essentials…