
I don’t find the Clinton example ironic. I think it is correct. And, if Kushner had any relevant experience or expertise, I would not have a problem with this. The issue is not nepotism so much as lack of qualifications. He is as unqualified as a number of Trump appointees- is Bannon more acceptable because he is a

There are, historically, quite a lot of black Nova Scotians (for the population size, it’s a pretty small province), dating back to the 17th century.

Yeah there’s a huge difference between millions and billions. I think Americans generally don’t get this because when numbers get that big, they are hard to visualize and understand. Likewise, the way Americans talk about trillions (when discussing debt or war costs) without seeming to really grasp HOW FUCKING BIG

Also a lot of them, including a lot of the worst of them, get there through inheritance (between 40 and 50%, by some estimates).

I was coming to say this.

I’m sure someone has already said so, but the reason he’s been able to half-*ss his way to an “entertainment journalist”’s career, regardless of the mediocrity of his actual skills, is the same reason his relative Bush II was able to half-*ss his way through Yale and all the way to the U.S. Presidency despite the

I never watch the opening ceremonies. I find them boring. I find the aspect of “the journey” boring as well. I like to watch the athletes do athletic things. Like sports.

I think you actually just pointed out the flaw in so many people’s thinking when it comes to opposing abortion access for women.

You probably shouldn’t be driving.

And for most of existence, women haven’t had the privilege of not showing up. No matter how sick or busy, they couldn’t stop mothering. Women have been working around the clock, rain or snow or plague or shine, for millenia.


FMLA leave is not universally paid by disability or worker’s comp, as it need not only be for the individual’s own disability, and disability/comp benefits tend to be only a fraction of the pre-FMLA wages (which I assume you know).

The FMLA provides 12 weeks of job protection for medical leave of all kinds. Make it paid. All of it. And add a provision for paternity leave. The pay gap is not caused by giving women 12 weeks instead of 2 weeks when they have kids. That 10 weeks is not causing irreperable experience losses. And if FMLA is paid and

Giving men paternity leave would actually go a long way toward destigmatizing maternity leave. Right now we treat raising children, and particularly babies, as almost entirely the mother’s responsibility. Women are penalized for procreating and men are not because women are expected to make major lifestyle and career

I LOVE how people just casually suggest that working from home is equivalent to maternity leave, like it’s so easy to work while caring for a newborn. The first three months with my second born were so intense that taking a shower felt like a major accomplishment.

I’d say you’re understating the obstacles.


“All the democratic Arab countries in the world”? Hate to break it to ya, but all Arab countries are in the same region, by definition. Muslim people, on the other hand, live all over the place. In case you meant “Muslim countries,” it would be wise to remember that theocracy and democracy don’t exactly go

Americans have such a sense of superiority for a country with a bad education system, bad healthcare system, bad welfare system, that puts more of it’s population in prison than any where else, that refuses to sign the UN declaration of rights of the child because it would stop them executing people for crimes

If it helps, I am a parent I still do all the things I did before I was a parent. I volunteer, I hang out with my friends, I read, I go to yoga, I cook, go to dinner, go to concerts, etc. There is no reason to think you can’t still be/do all the things once you have a child. Just requires a tad bit more advanced