He is, and a tough, seasoned one at that! He works in an office and everything. Sometimes he even wears suits to meetings, just like a woman might do.
He is, and a tough, seasoned one at that! He works in an office and everything. Sometimes he even wears suits to meetings, just like a woman might do.
I’m not sure being asshole enough to get drunk and allow yourself to kill innocent bystanders is all that much better than being asshole enough to intentionally kill innocent bystanders.
You said “A good number of women would love to be able to complain about being pregnant but won’t be able to so frankly she could do with a hell of a lot less whinging”. How else is this to be read other then you think she shouldn’t complain about her pregnancy because some women are unable to get pregnant? This is…
I agree. She had a very rough first pregnancy and is having another rough one. She’s allowed to hate the experience and talk about it. I think more women should talk about it, because those who hate being pregnant may think they’re alone and supposed to feel sunshine and lollipops the entire time, possibly feeling…
I think the ones who answered with “my mom” or “my wife” couldn’t actually think of any notable women in history.
I’m a freaking hippie. I’m a home birthing, long term breast feeding, make my own organic baby food, hemp cloth diapering hippie..... And you know what all I want to ask this latest “I’m gonna birth in the ocean with dolphins” couple is “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MINDS????!!!!!!!”
Hook-up culture is consent based, transacting between women with agency and men with agency.
“If they were serious about asking females into their house...”
I made a comment saying that - Tony boy there only lost sexual capital, whereas middle-aged women lose all social capital. Heck, I am only noticed by panhandlers and this dude who stands in a corner near my home selling burial plots, cause I do look like I will drop dead fairly soon.
Mothers can do literally nothing that pleases the world.
I get that and am sympathetic to that because I am a man and society tells me the same thing, however, there are literally billions (on second thought at least hundreds of millions) of men who are doing just fine, including me, without having to sexually harass their coworkers
Men are raised to believe that their boner really, really matters.
That really drives how purely this is about bullshit “modesty” culture (which is just another word for rape culture). It has nothing to do with the actual child’s body—just as you say, your daughter’s body is only considered wanton and slatternly when people realize she’s a girl. The exact same body is perfectly…
I let my 19 month old run around in just in swim bottoms because 1) she’s 19 months old, there is nothing remotely sexual about her pre-pre-pre-pubescent body 2) I ain’t got time to try an wrestle a wrigling toddler out of a wet lycra top or, god forbid a 1-piece swimsuit. Last year, I got some side-eye for this (yes,…
As we all know, the best way to protect women and their unborn children is to take away their job and leave them unemployed and unable to meet their material needs. Nothing says “we care about babies” like leaving an expectant mother unable to buy food or seek medical care. *Thumbs up*
I think you’re kind of missing the point on this particular article. The point is you had the choice. You like doing that stuff? Awesome! That’s great that you are able to live a life where you can do it, and yes, you should be able to live that life without judgment. I understand you dislike the mocking or rolled…
Related to the not-shaking-your-hand thing: I HATE when men go out of their way to open the door for you or let you off the elevator first. It’s nice to hold the door for the person behind you, but there’s no need to run ahead or wait 15 seconds just to open the door for me. It feels so patronizing. Often times, I’m…
Well, yeah, considering the fact that the baby is a baby. Babies are different than cats.
That’s fucking hilarious (and moot) since the majority of offices keep their inside temperatures at about 66 degrees, so as to accommodate the way men dress.