
Of all of the really stupid comments in the grays that I read because I hate myself, I want to single this one out because I think it's truly a monumental achievement in tone-deafness to imagine that young black men are being more detrimentally affected by sympathetic Deadspin articles than by being MURDERED.

I'm not a woman, so I have no experience with being sexually assaulted like this

I thinks that's possible. But I don't see how we can have a conversation about that when right wingers, and white supremacists will just pervert its significance. The way police brutality seems to work these days is that it's targeted at people who live in communities where there is always a high probability that they

It seems unfair to assume that they were accidental, or that she is now and/or always was an "unwed mother."

You know how they have crossing guards posted near schools? And bus monitors on buses? Why don't they create something similar for parks. So kids could play without parental supervision, but there would still be a person there to call 911 if one of them got hurt, and make sure no predators were approaching them.

Except that it is her profession and she is not ashamed of it at all. Why should we instill that shame on her by saying "Oh we won't mention what you do for a living." If she were a doctor, lawyer, etc. would you say something like that? Do you recognize that telling people they should omit that is basically an

No. Just no. The "if you can't handle it, leave" is never, ever the correct response on dealing with abuse. Aside from dismissing the concerns of the people bothered, it also quickly results in a race to the bottom for the abuse until no one wants to go there any more, easily offended or not. I've been online since

No, and fuck you. Jezebel should be able to post articles about whatever they damn well please without having to deal with rape gifs and gore porn and whatever the fuck else. Those are being used as a silencing tool, and your comment is no better.

I stopped reading when you were being creepy about babies with nice asses.

Like men aren't the kings of dingleberries in ass hair.

The BEST advice I got from an LC was that breastfeeding was like doing a hard school project with someone you've never met; it will probably take you a while to learn how to do it and figure out how to work together.

Correction. Breast feeding is not "the most natural thing."

It is hard and frustrating, and emotionally-wrenching when you don't do it right, and it does not come easy to most women. It is the very opposite of natural. If it were natural, LCs (lactation consultants) wouldn't be making a KILLING helping moms who can't

So, you think your desire not to see a woman breastfeed her child is the same as a child's deadly peanut allergy? You think they're worthy of the same consideration?
One is about preventing death; the other is about indulging some asshole's problem with seeing a breast when it's not for his titillation.

1. It doesn't matter what you want to see. Or what anyone wants to see. I don't want to see ugly men, but I live with it because I have no choice. Why does your desire not to see something you don't want to see trump a helpless infant's right to eat? It doesn't.
2. There might not have been a corner. There might not

No. You are wrong. Obviously, you have never been a breastfeeding mother. Exhibitionists display their bodies to the public for shock value. Breastfeeding mothers are desperate to care for their babies above ALL ELSE, including feeding them when they're hungry. The public is not their concern (except maybe they feel a

By the goddamn pink marshmallow fairies that live under the sea.

a) yes, many babies refuse to nurse with a cover, so being required to nurse under a cover does inconvenience moms. It also inconveniences hungry babies (who cannot be instructed that they need to wait to eat) and therefore inconveniences everyone around them who then have to listen to a crying baby.

I'm not saying this was done for science or anything, but every last person on the planet got here in roughly the same way. So when people freak out about documentation about birth? Well, look at something else then.