Saturn Nuts

And by the time next season starts, he’ll be 40 years old.

Given Trump’s post-election actions, I’m sure they feel as dumb as we think they are.

Mysteriously—even despite Darnold’s stat line—Penn State coaches refused to say whether they thought the young quarterback looked good.

This game went a long way in the healing process...

Eli, sadly, was not invited

Because white people.

Nah, it’s the fans that make it all worthwhile

Usually unwise to pick up so many discarded Trojans.

And yet somehow, in terms of career humiliations, this barely ranks in Kiffin’s top five.

As a lifelong Bills fan all I can say is this is totally embarrassing and a complete disgrace.

It’s understandable. Having a civilized discussion in any Philadelphia sports venue is grounds for dismissal. At the very least they should’ve been yelling, but proper Philly fan behavior is throwing things.

On the sideline, Ben Roethlisberger looked up, suddenly overcome with a strong sense of déjà vu.

That’s boarding. Straight up. Can’t hit a guy in the #s when he’s facing the boards. Should’ve been 5 minutes and a game misconduct. Referees in the NHL have a tough job, but that’s an amazing missed call. Plus it was Tom Wilson going after the player in a defenseless position, so their radar should’ve been up.

How was that clean? Wilson put his shoulder into the number on Moore’s back, thereby driving Moore’s face into the glass. That’s boarding, and given the injury, Wilson is probably going to have a little chat with Player Safety to start off 2017.

Tom Wilson is a goon who shouldn’t be in the league. He won’t be suspended though. Blah blah something something tough hockey blah.

This fight was barely even long enough to masturbate to. 4/10.

I hope they do “Springtime for Hitler.”

“Forcing dozens of women to go and perform for this man is without a question going to be problematic.”

Real life lawyer here.

Diana, your work is incredible and important and thank you.