Got some gifts left to wrap for each of the family gatherings.
I finally tried watching a few episodes and was glad I did. I’ll be watching more of it as I’m able. It will likely go into rotation along with Steven Universe when I need something to watch that will make me happy.
Welcome to the new Editor-in-Chief! I’m also someone who will sit there at times during the day refreshing the home page. I’ve very much come to appreciate what Jez has to offer in terms of content and community and want nothing more than to see it continue to thrive for years to come.
I enjoy cooking for people, including people with food allergies and dietary restrictions. I’ve learned to ask about food allergies and often recheck, especially with my friends’ kids, in case anything has changed or I’m not sure I remember all of them correctly.
I completely agree with you! I, under medical supervision, tried to wean myself off of depression/anxiety medication complete last winter. I realized after just a couple of weeks that was not going to work and started taking my medicine again because I wanted to feel like a person again. And this was before this past…
We initially thought we might help foster again, but likely not. At this time, we’re only willing to consider extreme emergency situations that are very short term (i.e. the dog needs to get out of the immediate situation NOW and there is a “permanent” foster lined up, but needs a place to stay over the weekend).
Which Brittany rescue? My husband and I volunteer for the American Brittany Rescue and have had some great experiences with them. They are also to blame for two of our four dogs. I only say that because one of them is a failed foster (in that we fell in love with him and kept him and now don’t foster) and one the…
A jerk after my own heart!
Don’t trust your neighbors!
The one of Pence and Mother! is just too precious.
He was able to make it in America (though, if I remember correctly, with his own share of government assistance in childhood), so ANYONE can do the same! All we have to do is believe...and procreate.
As someone with endometriosis as well, I hope that you get the care you need to feel better. If you want children and the care you need gives you that chance, that’s awesome as well. But only if you want them, not because Paul Ryan wants you to want them.
I can help fix the world’s problems by just having babies? Well then! Let me go find those internal lady parts I had removed years ago (I’m sure they’re fine, not at all incinerated as medical waste should be!) and get right on that. Oh, I was so selfish at that time to think my quality of life was more important than…
I hope you get the chance to watch it soon! This show is absolutely delightful!
I’ve seen the recipe for them, along with the tins and tins of rolls. I just don’t know if I can handle having that temptation in the house. Usually when I’m craving cinnamon rolls, I can get away with making cinnamon roll baked oatmeal to get the taste of the filling and the icing on top.
My favorite brownie recipe is from Sally’s Baking Addiction! Her fudgy brownies. Check them out!
My favorite brownie recipe is from Sally’s Baking Addiction! Her fudgy brownies. Check them out!