Oh Brienne, Tormund would’ve never done you that way.
Oh Brienne, Tormund would’ve never done you that way.
Sounds like you’re the one doing the objectifying by obsessing over women’s clothing and bodies. Sometimes women show cleavage without doing it to tempt you.
I have brought up endo to my doctors before and they all cautioned me against the exploratory laproscopic surgery because I already have scar tissue left over from a different surgery from infancy - and they assumed it would all just make it worse. Which is so cool. So glad I don’t get to know what’s happening in my…
Let me clarify something here: “inserting a camera into the pelvic cavity” means having laparoscopic surgery. Currently, the only definitive way to diagnose endometriosis is to see it - to undergo surgery. A presumptive diagnosis is made purely on the patient’s report of pain and other symptoms. Painful periods, heavy…
PUPPY!!!! Happy birthday to hubby! And I’m so sorry about your polar vortex. As one of those assholes in Florida that kept complaining it was in the 40s and 50s and used to live somewhere that -20 and -30 happened, I’m sorry.
What’s up Saturday Socialites? I’m super psyched because it was a pretty badass week! Celebrated my 45th birthday on Tuesday by getting my new counters installed and then Wednesday the sink/dishwasher/garbage disposal went in! Kitchen is DONE! Well, some appliance upgrade will come later, and some cosmetic/lighting…
Oh yes! It took me a decade of pain and a clown car of “specialists” in exclusionary exploration just throwing opioids and crazy unnecessary procedures (cortisone injections to the stomach, anyone?) at me before they did my first endo surgery. At one point the before it the ER doc I frequented was about to tag me as a…
That makes a lot of sense!
In college it once snowed two feet and classes were cancelled. I did what any respectable student would do and walked downtown to the bars. My friends and I stopped for fourth meal at the downtown late night taqueria where I got a burrito. I did then what I consider a real adult thing of cutting the burrito in half so…
Ants, live, a whole left over sodas' worth. I was about 13. So much shrieking and vomiting ensued. 100s of ants... And it was more the sensensation of the live ants desperately trying to climb out of my through and mouth that kept my gag reflex active for hours days weeks...
Admittedly I’m not a woman, but as I understand it, contraceptive pills are also used by a lot of women for reasons other than just not getting pregnant. Would the companies trying to refuse cover for contraceptive pills, also refuse cover for medication that treated the same medical conditions, but didn’t work as a…
Yeah, TCOYF is where I started - it’s really fantastic. I am generally biologically-minded but had been on BC for 15 years and so had learned to ignore my cycle entirely and forgot everything I ever knew about how ovulation happens. I should re-read the infertility section, though! The way my RE explained his…
As a dog owner and a former dog sitter and walker, I understand the “poop log” request. A dog’s bathroom habits tell a lot about whether he or she is feeling well or may be sick. I don’t track poop and pee, but I certainly note that she has/hasn’t and any changes from the norm. If you aren’t the one walking your dog…
We found out my sweet girl has a pretty serious degenerative spine condition today. This was two weeks ago and she ran and played in the snow like a puppy but last weekend she was in pain all weekend and has been down and out most of the week. Despite that the vet said she is doing pretty well for her age and he…
Me too. Exactly the same middle of the night, sneaky voting move they pulled with Act 10 in 2011. No surprise at all.
Right? Like if this was so important, where was the legislation 8 years ago? 4 years ago? Literally any time before a lame duck extraordinary session?
But the Christmas music and cheerful dispositions