
Yeah, they played dirty. A phishing test should be somewhat subtle, but it doesn’t work for training if it doesn’t go off the principles given in the training (checking the address, grammar/spelling, etc). So people can use what they learn.

I don't feel sorry for this outcome.  As I said, this behavior is like intentionally licking rats in the Black Death years.  There is this miracle creation of science that allows you to not die from a disease and you mock it?  Because you think it'll give you a disorder that causes the brain to evolve in different

Just as Mayim Bialik showed with her Amy Farrah Fowler character, just because you play a smart person doesn’t mean you’re actually smart.

I didn’t know that about Gina Carano. An actor using their platform to spout right-wing nonsense always kind of sucks, but when it’s someone whose mediocre acting already kind of ruins the show for you it really adds insult to injury.

I don’t think her last post even reaches the level of non-apology. It was a straight up justification, using the same terminology that anti-vaxxers always use when spreading this deadly bullshit.

So this episode basically blamed the rise of the First Order on the local populations not cooperating with the police.

Who does that guy think is trying to get in? The Reds are the ones more likely to storm any fenced property. I say we build a big wall outside the barricade outside the fence. Then start filling it in with concrete. Then build a new white house on top of that.

I only looks like it’s aout 9' tall. If you can touch rim in basketball, you can probably scale this unscalable wall.

As far as I have heard, early voter numbers indicated that voter turnout is the highest it has ever been in decades, but we’ll see what happens either way.

(sadly because of lower than expected voter turnout against him) but I sure hope the fuck not.

Is it big enough to house an indoor golf course and a casino?

ditto what Hyburner said. this all started when Epic asked Apple if they could open the Epic Game Store on IOS without any of the Apple App Store restrictions. obviously Apple turned them down so Epic started all this bullshit.

I’d bet you $100 you’re wrong.

Right? Over on Jez all the Commenters are hating on her Stans because she has mental issues...sure, that sucks, but you can’t deny she’s got some big-ass balls for using her massive platform to call her own parents out on their bullshit.

It's never fun to have to be the kid to walk between your parents and tell them how stupid they're being. She has my sympathy.

When she said she resigned to spend some time with her family, she should have keep to her word.

This is exactly why I finally got a smartwatch. I don’t need to carry phone anymore to track my runs, play my music or answer calls if I’m out.

“im furious. wear your masks. dont listen to our fucking idiot president piece of shit. protect yourselves and those around you.”