
I got an Apple Watch during Quarantine thanks to Chase points I was originally saving for travel.

Altogether, the number of Americans (civilian or military) killed on American soil from attacks by foreign adversaries in the entire 244 year history of this country pales in comparison to the 200,000+ Americans who have died from COVID. The last sustained presence by a foreign military on American soil was early in

Well, maybe, but comparing iOS 14 to any version of Android is like relaxing with a flute of champagne in a hot bubble bath versus five minutes in a cold prison shower with a guy named Cletus.

After reading this, are we even sure those two officers that were killed weren’t killed by a gang or rival gang in the sheriff’s office? There were three whistleblowers... is it possible these were two of them?

Don’t ever fucking forget that the LASD is less of a police force and more of a criminal, state-funded gang organization. They make the LAPD look clean and squeaky, and Villanueva’s doing whatever he can to keep that shit from getting rooted out and destroyed like it should be.

Sadly closeted bigots work everywhere, probably even at your workplace. 

It’s not the first time Wallace said something about race. the last time he had the crap beaten out of him.

Linking to the same article over and over again does not make it a more reliable source, you know...

It is a monopoly, just maybe not an illegal one. They breached their contact and plead illegal monopoly, now I guess they just have to prove it!  Good luck with that.

I hate both sides in this, but to my limited understanding (and folksy metaphor brain) Epic is stamping its feet and crying that the gardener is curating the walled garden and won’t let them plant their flowers there any more.

Also worth mentioning is Sony and Microsoft’s take-away from vbucks purchases made on Fortnite from their respective consoles is also 30%.

Lol that ain’t gonna fly. Epic has no case, they violated Apple Store policy on purpose fully knowing they would be banned. I don’t even know how successful they’ll be convincing a judge that this was a move benefit their users who would pay a cheaper membership. I mean Epic treated their own users as a sacrifice for

Apple is a monopolist and standing up to them is a necessary step to free consumers and developers from the unlawful restrictions Apple has imposed over app distribution and in-app payment processing on iOS”

And depending what the court decides, refusing to allow their game to be listed is a useless endeavor.

. . . they make the case for adopting a more nuanced approach . . .

Sony is a monopoly with their Playstation store! /s

If you read the iOS article, then you know that the law in this case is anti-trust law. And Apple and Google are Monopolies for their ecosystems.

I feel like “trap” is the wrong word. Apple really had no choice at all but to remove the apps, lest a million other developers also skirt their payment model and remove Apple from the revenue chain.

Microsoft being awful hardly makes Apple free from sin.