
Worse still, his repeated opposition has only served to embolden his support base to ignore CDC guidelines too, leading to scores of run-ins with law enforcement and videos of their adult tantrums going viral online.

Its a story because these companies are doing something intrusive without asking for permission. You know how when you download an app and get all the prompts on the app accessing your location and/or camera? Its like that except in this case they’re not asking

Boss said he felt compelled to fulfill their drink orders because they were in uniform, even though he said he had sent other patrons away earlier for not wearing masks.

Just a note to anyone working or managing a location. Regardless of whether or not your state/county/city has a mask mandate, or even if that mandate is legal/enforceable/constitutional, your business can have a policy requiring masks.

These police officers should’ve been refused service and asked to leave based on the

Are you really going to pretend to not understand the difference between protestors and opportunistic looters?

Samantha Grasso recently wrote a really good article about how COVID-19 illustrates a long-term conflict in US politics between the rights of individuals and the rights of communities. Climate change is the same kind of conflict: if I, as an individual, can pollute the community as much as possible without any kind of

This video is amazing, and I fully expect for them to make a sequel any day now.

I understand the Apple Cool Tax adds about $100 to the price.

Wow, I can’t believe what I just watched. She wants to toss her people out as guinea pigs to see how many people will die, just so she can pump her economy.

FLAT SIDES FUCK YES. I’ll actually be happy to upgrade this time.

Yeah, and I'm wypipo several hundred miles away, I certainly fucking noticed.

This was covered on Jalopnik yesterday. These idiots are from the rural areas of the state, which are mostly white. Which is why, so far, Michigan has seen mostly PoC getting sick since it’s been in the urban areas.

They’re ASKING for it.

Can confirm. I’m an electrical contractor, and thus always out at one jobsite or the next. I have an office, but honestly it works better for me to be on the site with the crews, so in practice I office mostly from my truck. I’ve done all my paperwork exclusively from an iPad for the last five years.

Now playing

I believe this explains it. Or at least lampshades it.

Like any doctor, they have their fields they specialize in. And even within their own field, you can always get a dissenting opinion. My question is, how is it so blatantly obvious to someone completely untrained in the medical field — such as myself — that this was far more serious than he was letting on, yet he

“My intention was to lessen the panic that I could see coming,” Drew explained over a video stream he’d published to Twitter on Saturday night. “I was trying to get people to measure their emotional response to the other numbers we were seeing,”

Having no health insurance is an underlying condition.

I’ve heard that if you just eat your bootstraps it‘ll clear right up. 

This is going to get real bad, real fast.