
If anything needs to be called out regarding deaths among vaccinated individuals, I would say it’s the percentage of these individuals that are the most vulnerable, aka with the most serious and/or multiple comorbidities (really old age, diabetes, COPD, heart disease,etc.).

Except for a maybe a handful of apps, every one of my apps has notifications turned off and have been relegated to the badges showing how many notifications on the app icon.

Washington Post had a story the other day - back out vaccinated people and the rate for cases and deaths among unvaccinated essentially has not changed from a month ago.

Apple reminds people that to some companies, they are the product 💁🏻‍♂️

If you’re really excited about a measly 10GB of free cloud storage, you deserve any headaches that come with copying your files over to Google Photos.

What do you have saved on your Watch? I also have the 3 (with cellular) but have plenty of capacity left and have no idea how I would use up all the storage.

This is one of those times when being deep in the Apple ecosystem pays off. Can’t wait for the official release.

I’m all for accountability. But expand the responsibility to include libel and the prevention of misinformation. “Verify” accounts so that it means something, mainly that they’re credible. Take a hard line that too many offenses results in a suspension and eventually a ban (none of this one day in Facebook jail

Meanwhile, I’m still over here thinking Tiger Electronics(?) should make a similar product with their entire catalogue.

Sounds about right. People buy headphones based on the profile of the sound they like, hence the success of Beats. I imagine the AirPods Max are focused on high quality audio (to further confuse self-proclaimed Apple-hating audiophiles).

Honestly, I’d say they can kee the headphones and spend that money on a more powerful wall adapter.

I read that the email originated from an account with a domain. That’s legit enough for me.

Eventually, irony ensues when the person calling another a simp becomes a simp themselves.

Did Rosario Dawson actually say something, or are we still going by the discrimination lawsuits that have since been dropped?

I don’t want to give anyone any ideas, but my worst fear is that Trump refuses to concede, and the Proud Boys and their ilk show up to defend him. But I’m don’t expect this to happen because the majority of Americans are anti-Trumpers.

Trump is the greatest conman of our time. I still think there’s a chance he cons himself into a second term (sadly because of lower than expected voter turnout against him) but I sure hope the fuck not.

Maybe if Epic had pursued this in the UK.


Never forget 9/11. That many people die over a holiday weekend from COVID. 

Creative types will become obsessed. Know your tendencies. Or not. I like the new aesthetics.