
Yeah, that’s NOT the “death rate among the vaccinated”. That’s “death rate among breakthrough infections that ended up hospitalized” which conveniently ignores orders of magnitude when it comes to ACTUAL death rates.

Just grabbing from your numbers.  Assume 850000 vaccinated people were exposed to covid, and among

I’m not sure your math works out. The vaccines are working. They ARE keeping cases mild, hence why there were only 1,200 fully vaccinated people hospitalized. You can’t just throw out all the vaccinated people who got mild cases when calculating the death rate.

FFS, get vaccinated, everyone.

So essentially they moved a few things around, slowed the search response (as shown by LTT), brought back widgets from the dead, updated a store that almost noone uses, duplicated some gaming features from xbox which absolutely no-one gaming on a PC asked for, and made their own doubtless bugfilled version of

Underrated comment.  Extra credit for -Godzilla- ( i.e. Japanese "Raptor") 

The new tundra definitely exudes big dick energy.

I dunno - it’s really very simple and takes about 5-10 minutes to manage your notifications. If they’re a problem for you, they’ve given you the tools to work around it. 

People use it like a currency, but it’s like buying a car (or cocaine or human slave) using your next roulette wheel spin as a down payment.

The Amazon warehouse in the city I used to work in here is a revolving door of employee’s... for this very reason.. its a SLAVE market! My nephew made it a few weeks before he literally told them to fuck the hell off and they can shove the job up their asses. I would rather live in a cardboard box in a back alley and

I end up scrolling past a thousand-word essay about some food blogger’s beloved, great-great-grandmother whose culinary insights have endured generations

Steps you do once... and if you don’t want to download the beta, just wait another month or so and it will just be included with the update... man, people will bitch about ANYTHING. 

This is how I currently unlock my MacBook Pro. It works great. Im mystified by what part of this is so triggering for you.

A bunch of steps you perform once.

Finally got the betas installed on both my watch and phone and it works great!

If it kills facebook and twitter, frankly, I’m all for it.

Yep yep yep. One more attempt to screw the Biden administration on their way out the door. Basically, the Republicans’ transition strategy has been to light as many fires and spark as many crises as possible in order to cripple Biden right out the gate. And the American people will suffer and die for it. It is

the administration had largely stopped stockpiling doses by the end of last year but never made the change public.

And little Ricky just moved out of Ann Arbor, recently; his swanky condo’s on the market.  Good riddance to bad rubbish, here’s hoping he spends a lot of time looking out of cell bars here soon.  

These aren’t Beats headphone. They’re designed by a completely separate team at Apple.

Just like I never use the ear buds that come with any of the iphones that I’ve ever bought. They sit in their little plastic case until it’s time for me to trade the phone in.