Underrated comment. Extra credit for -Godzilla- ( i.e. Japanese "Raptor")
Underrated comment. Extra credit for -Godzilla- ( i.e. Japanese "Raptor")
The new tundra definitely exudes big dick energy.
I don't feel sorry for this outcome. As I said, this behavior is like intentionally licking rats in the Black Death years. There is this miracle creation of science that allows you to not die from a disease and you mock it? Because you think it'll give you a disorder that causes the brain to evolve in different…
Just as Mayim Bialik showed with her Amy Farrah Fowler character, just because you play a smart person doesn’t mean you’re actually smart.
I didn’t know that about Gina Carano. An actor using their platform to spout right-wing nonsense always kind of sucks, but when it’s someone whose mediocre acting already kind of ruins the show for you it really adds insult to injury.
I don’t think her last post even reaches the level of non-apology. It was a straight up justification, using the same terminology that anti-vaxxers always use when spreading this deadly bullshit.
After reading this, are we even sure those two officers that were killed weren’t killed by a gang or rival gang in the sheriff’s office? There were three whistleblowers... is it possible these were two of them?
Don’t ever fucking forget that the LASD is less of a police force and more of a criminal, state-funded gang organization. They make the LAPD look clean and squeaky, and Villanueva’s doing whatever he can to keep that shit from getting rooted out and destroyed like it should be.
Sadly closeted bigots work everywhere, probably even at your workplace.
It’s not the first time Wallace said something about race. the last time he had the crap beaten out of him.
While I would agree that the dealer system is flawed and ridiculous.
I’m really starting to fall hard for Katja Herbers.
I disagree with a lot of what you are saying here. I do wish that Kerr said more, but you can’t just jump from “he didn’t say what I wanted him to say about this issue” to “stick to sportzzzz!”
Real talk - this was simple and elegant. Thank you.
Strawman argument. Per your original post, they would Feast in every division.
And like that, the laughs of a million Steelers fans were suddenly silenced.
So true. The way those Indy fans booed him was truly disgusting.