
Gotta pop The Mandalorian in here, too. Now that it’s all out, an easy, enjoyable weekend binge, even to rewatch. Plus, the Kid helps with the blues =)

While I would agree that the dealer system is flawed and ridiculous.

That might of been different if the President actually treated the disease like a real threat and didn’t intentionally ignore his intelligence reports.

This is what I’ve been trying to tell people, you can be contagious and feel fine. Since tests aren’t available in the US, no one can be certain whether or not they are carrying the virus (especially since it has been circulating in communities for weeks). It’s scary but it’s happening.

If it wasn’t for those radical policies of the 1960's (and all the work progressives have fought for since then) Pete probably wouldn’t be married right now

Bernie Sanders is living in everyone’s head, rent free. You go Bernie, make them all suffer. The Dems are so far right their balls are getting caught on the fence.

THIS is the chief reason to consider not going. Everyone’s all like, “I have free will and can do what I want!” while some government can say “no, you stay HERE for a period of time” whenever they like.

I’m really starting to fall hard for Katja Herbers.

... Taking your kids to an R-Rated movie?

Just got back from seeing it with my two oldest girls, one of whom is a huge Sonic fan. It didn’t quite keep my 3yo’s attention but my fangirl was glued to the screen. I figured I would at least enjoy them enjoying the movie but I actually thought it was pretty entertaining. I hope you and yours have a blast!

This is one I’m taking my kid to watch, seems they got that right for the young ones, thank you!

Someone should show Joan over at Jez that this is what a fair review looks like. There is no reason to be an asshole about this movie. It’s a dumb, fun movie about a super-fast, blue hedgehog for a 90's video game. It’s not shakespeare.

And yes I agree with the policy of leaving your politics at the door, even when I know co-workers shares similar politics I make it a point to not discuss it at all.

“You don’t like it that this guy is trying to sell his company out to the military for facial recognition, operations, and civilian monitoring. You don’t like that he wants to work for someone who literally puts children in cages, openly admits to two different extortion schemes, wants to reverse abortion rights, and

I bet Alsup never cried while reading an old calendar.

An actual judge with actual experience and a no nonsense outlook on corporate bullshit?

Another unmasked volunteer for the Wuhan flight. Go on; Darwin needs your input.

Don’t forget he has pissed off a large chunk of his base: farmers. They are well aware of the following. Many younger farmers in key states have said they can’t survive anther 4 or 5 years of the current economic reality.

I love AirDrop and it had been out for a long time before I even noticed it.  But nowadays I'm taking minutes long 4k videos and sending them to the wife.  It takes seconds compared to sending them over the internet via iMessage which would then slow our streaming to a crawl for a few minutes.  Our internet is already

