
I have fully lost two people in my life to Crossfit. I don’t think there’s inherently anything wrong with it - quite the contrary, I like people trying to be healthy and strong and have plenty of other friends who do it! - but the people I’ve lost, the Crossfit turned them into mega aggro psychopaths. Or maybe it

Fuck your “Well actually” horseshit.

It never stops to hurt my heart that Trump is president. Ultimately, not because of the ugly qualities that this article perfectly captures but because it told me something that I didn’t know about the working, everyday 63 million fellow Americans with whom we share the country. I used to love road trips and exploring

That is what you think happened? 

You are wrong, for more reasons than we have time or space here to even outline. Please go educate yourself.

So, Americans who served in the military “own” the flag more than the rest of us. Got it.

You don’t speak for all veterans. Veterans do not get to decide what the flag/anthem mean to the citizens of this country.

You can repeat yourself as often as you like, and you’ll still be wrong.

Biles isn’t happy

It is truly amazing how incompetent the hiring people are for some of the public groups. 

I see two things happening:

They could’ve made just as much money going against him, and churning out a bunch of gear with camo and the American flag

This guy just fucking nailed it. 

If this is you Sam:

This guy’s insecurity and the insecurity of his pitiful disciples would be amusing if our wells were not already poisoned by widespread aggressive ignorance. Everyone involved with Barstool is a net negative to society. There’s really not much else to say on the matter. I applaud those who call these people out for

Just a friendly reminder that this insufferable dickhead makes $10,300,000 of tax payer money per year while a citizen in Alabama working for minimum wage for forty hours a week would have to work 683 years to make that amount. Fuck you, Nick Saban. 

Just heard Beadle is leaving the show but her NBA duties will be increased. The article I read said the new job is better than the struggling morning show so it looks like she will be fine.

But he gave a thumbs down on that one ultimately meaningless vote!  We should totally ignore the other 95% of the time when he voted lockstep with his party. What a maverick!!!

They’d love to replace her with Tammy Loren. Does she know anything about sports? Who cares! She’s a pretty blond woman who talks!

As Republicans and Democrats run to lionize and fellate John McCain, a man whose cowardice in selecting Sarah Palin as a running mate, and then not standing up to her racist fan base is the direct cause of the Events of 2016 and beyond... I hope that Jemele finds a place where she can speak truth. Because the