Oh, yeah, and next you are going to tell me that NFL players kneeling doesn’t have anything to do with disrespecting our flag. This is Deadspin, no one is here for your hot takes.
Oh, yeah, and next you are going to tell me that NFL players kneeling doesn’t have anything to do with disrespecting our flag. This is Deadspin, no one is here for your hot takes.
Jesus Christ, man, what’s next? You sound like we should actually get police officers to stop murdering unarmed citizens instead of just clamoring for football players to stand for the National Anthem! What kind of drugs are you takin’, boy? Don’t you realize this is America?
I don’t know, it seems like maybe the reason she gave for not watching football is a more important issue for the sports yakkers to address than the effect not watching has on a morning show? Maybe?
It is supremely fucked up and a horrible indictment of the culture of USA Gymnastics that a monster like Larry Nassar was able to worm his way into his victims’ lives just by bringing them some food or by asking them "How are you?" Fuck.
Glosser said their family is “huge” and he wouldn’t speak for all of them, but man, when dozens of your relatives think you are a disgrace... You might have fucked up.
Good. Can you imagine sitting at the thanksgiving table with this despicable Great-Gazoo looking motherfucker?
more stars for this
Expecting to shortly hear that “someone” hacked her account and that the picture was Photoshopped by “someone” trying to discredit her and that, actually, the frame contained her Employee of the Month award from a K-Mart where she worked to single handedly put herself through Harvard.
Standard fare for members of this party.
Here’s some follow-up - he’s been charged with civil rights violations and BPD is investigating as a potential hate crime.
I just watched the entire video and it brought tears to my eyes... How can this man get away with this? The emotional damage, the toll on her psyche being berated like that over nothing... It changes you. It makes you angry, distrustful of others... it’s heart-breaking to watch.
There are a lot of things to admire about this, and I’m not pretending that this aspect is the finest, but it speaks to the selfless thought that went into this sartorial gesture and shows it was not done to draw attention to the person making it but rather to the people on it: the color of the embroidered letters…
One time, my dad was on vacation partying in Miami and saw Randy Moss at the bar of a restaurant. He asked if he wouldn’t mind saying ‘hi’ to me if he called me on the west coast.
I was a teenager at the time, in Seattle, playing video games when he called. I was a big Moss fan and liked him even more because he was…
Straight Class, Homie
History is going to be very kind to Randy Moss. Extremely thoughtful statement in the current climate of anthem madness.
Meanwhile, at Ball State University (his undergrad):
The stupidest thing is, I do not believe that there is any family reunification visa that would allow someone to bring their uncle to the US as a permanent resident. It is limited to spouses, children, parents, and siblings. There are a limited number of visas available each year and applicants are strictly vetted.
I may have disagreed with him on just about everything, but at least Scalia was principled.
Now, now, you know we can’t possibly know how he’s going to act. Supreme Court Judges are always impartial arbitrators of the law as interpreted through the Constitution. It’s impossible for such an upstanding individual to ever betray that, because he’d be breaking the law! /s
Politico is also reporting that Kavanaugh was one of the leakers on the Starr investigation, illegally offering grand jury secrets to reporters to bias the public against Bill Clinton.