I mean, I guess because some old guy does it in the gym makes it all right, right?
But why would you need to prevent Trae Young from shooting? Just go get the rebound.
Jordan, whose name had been floated as a potential speaker of the House, has continued to deny knowing anything.
As a Spurs fan, I am ok with getting nothing for him. Let him sit out the year and then sign to play with LeBron when LeBron is 35 and dwindling.
I’m not complaining, but the “the new iOS 12 public beta” links to a cat
It’s one reason why I said fuck it and stopped even subscribing to the Post. They are trying to normalize our descent into an authoritarian nightmare.
We nonetheless would argue that Ms. Huckabee, and Ms. Nielsen and Mr. Miller, too, should be allowed to eat dinner in peace.
When people are dying because they can’t get the health care they need, when kids are locked up in cages and being force-fed antipsychotic drugs, when our water is poisoned, when we betray our foundational principles to pad our bank accounts, f-k your inconvenience.
This is only for idiots who don’t care about color accuracy.
This isn’t the right hack. The right hack is this:
LOL, is your troll talking point that “Trump is too incompetent to be guilty of anything?” You can’t brag about how he’s playing 16 dimensional chess and he’s got the best brain AND ALSO trot out the Reagan defense when he’s caught looking dirty.
I’m sure the autoworkers and coalminers will be overjoyed to hear about these developments.
The thing is, last night wasn’t just an off night in the, like, doing-good-stuff-but-missing-shots sense. They completely reverted to how they played in Game 1 and for long dismal stretches of the regular season: four players standing still along the edges, watching Harden or Paul dribble the air out of the ball. That…
I did. I’ve also written a bunch of posts about the Rockets over the past few months, which I think track pretty well my growing dread and disgust at the basketball that has grown out of building an entire team and style of play out of the idea that it’s good to stand around and watch Harden (and Chris Paul) do this…
OTOH, most were well-contested by some of the best defenders in the NBA (Green, Iguodala, Klay). The Rockets missed a handful they 100% should’ve made; the rest were far from gimmes.
I will root for Arsenal in a friendly against a team of terminally ill children before I root for the Celtics.
It’s weird that the whole season everyone’s been saying “The Rockets were built to destroy the Warriors,” and then they finally get their western conference matchup, and their big plan is... tire out Stephen Curry
This seems better than the Rockets’ other strategy of iso against Kevon Looney. That one doesn’t even make sense conceptually.