
It’s pretty common for people to say “sync’d up” and you’re bugging because he wrote out the whole word....

Before there was a such thing as ‘Family Sharing’ I set up our family’s phones with the App Store signed into one AppleID specifically for apps on every phone, and a iCloud/Messages/etc signed into separate unique AppleIDs on each phone. It works great. We all have access to the same apps but everything else is

That’s because the opposition party was in control of congress. Republicans won’t impeach their own.

Remember when the US was ‘a nation of laws, not men?’

Correction: *Left side of screen. Not lower left.

Fuck these fucking criminal organizations! While the CFPB was the best of what we could expect, it still was toothless.

Do these assholes root for Scrooge in A Christmas Carol?

Got myself an 8 qt Lux. It currently has a pot roast in it. I’ve also made strawberry jam, ribs, ribs, beef stew...

Got myself an 8 qt Lux. It currently has a pot roast in it. I’ve also made strawberry jam, ribs, ribs, beef stew...

You gotta give something up in a deal with the devil.

It’s almost as if almost none of the duties of that office are a matter of national security!

How the fuck is this asshole only a few years older than me?

“We draw no conclusions regarding whether the installation of the privacy booth was the only, or the best, way for EPA to provide a secure telephone line for the Administrator,”

Except he was on probation for the weapons and drug charges. 10 years is a long time to stay out of trouble, and it’s unusual for the judge to go against the recommendation of the probation officer, but still, that’s kinda how it works. I had to go to jail once for missing a meeting while at college living over an

And that’s why he’s the greatest.

Tiger Woods once fucked up his ankle while celebrating one-in-each-hole.

Visited the national Holocaust museum last week and the first few rooms chronicling the rise of the national socialists in Germany were chilling. Trump is using the same playbook.

My family was in Germany during the war and their strategy of keeping their heads down and hoping it would pass didn’t work. By 1945 most of the homes and the family business had been bombed into the ground and most of the men had died or disappeared in Russia.

How about the “iMessage messages display out of order” irritant? Any word on a fix for that one?